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Author Topic: Staff Reviews: Disruption  (Read 3011 times)


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Staff Reviews: Disruption
« on: May 31, 2013, 09:46:04 AM »
New Era Solid
 New Era has never been used in only a Solid in any ball we’ve produced with a New Era cover.  Because New Era is a pretty clean cover, we’ve created even more back end reaction by removing all the pearl from the ball and give the New Era cover a little more traction.

Resurgence Core
 If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! That’s why we’re sticking with the Resurgence core. The Resurgence core will go down in Columbia 300’s great history as one of the most successful cores we’ve produced. The low RG and Medium Differential make this a great choice for all styles.

What To Expect:
 This core and cover combo will bring Disruption to the bowling world when all you do is strike.  We’ve taken our mid-performance line to the next level with this ball and we’re causing an uproar by giving you too much performance without disrupting your bank account!
All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015



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Re: Staff Reviews: Disruption
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2013, 09:30:47 PM »
Disruption Review
Drilling: 50x4-1/2x70

This is one great addition to the Eruption line that's for sure!
If you were a fan of the Violent Eruption this is a must have for your bag!
This ball gets through the front of the lanes just as clean as the Violent but is just more!
More length more angle and more continuation!

This new solid cover with polish is amazing.. The mad scientist at Columbia came up with something special here, it rolls more like a pearl with all the energy at the pins but has the consistency in the roll of a solid.
Its amazing how this thing clears the heads makes its move but yet still remains very controllable. Most of the time with factory polish I find a lot of over under and have to adjust the surface. Not the case here, this ball is very forgiving a miss to the right finds the pocket and the nice polish gives a little room on the tug inside also.

I will be using this as my benchmark and look for this ball to be my house shot killer.
Its really hard to better such a great line but its been done!
Christina Hardee
Storm Staff
Boom Apparel Staff
Vise Staff


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Re: Staff Reviews: Disruption
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 07:12:05 PM »

Is this ball angular (skid/snap) -or- archy (smooth with a controlled break) ? 

I have a buddy who wants to buy a new ball.  The primary ball in his arsenal is a Columbia Beast and occasionally he'll use his Hammer Jigsaw Trap (IMHO I just don't feel this ball is a good match for his style of bowling).

Thanks for your time and help.


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Re: Staff Reviews: Disruption
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2013, 10:27:17 PM »
Hi John,
For me with the pin down drilling the ball is pretty smooth which is a motion I prefer. However going pin up and getting a little further down lane before it starts to use its energy could probably get some pretty decent angle with it.
I think this will be one of the balls most people can find a use for in there bag just by getting a layout that fits what they like to see best.

Im going to have a vid of it up tomorrow so you can get a better idea :)
Christina Hardee
Storm Staff
Boom Apparel Staff
Vise Staff