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Author Topic: suddenly clipping the thumbhole  (Read 2919 times)


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suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« on: November 25, 2003, 03:08:50 PM »
and excuse my bad english.

i have a hyde drilled:

i play a hight track and the first time the ball was great. suddenly, from one throw to the other ( after 25 games ) the ball clips the thumbhole but i havn´t changed somthing in my style, same handposition and speed.

the complete track, round about 5 lines of oil, completely hitting the thumbhole.
it´s the same when i change the handposition.
is the ball defect, what could it be?

needs help fast.



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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2003, 09:42:52 AM »
I am a high tracker also.  As a ball tracks up, you get more friction.  More friction = more flare.  Your drilling, however, should be reasonably flare safe so I would make certain that you are not over turning over thumbing or kicking your thumb right like a full roller at the point of release.



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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2003, 05:43:44 AM »

i´ve filled the old holes and drilled the ball the same way  my reaction rip, with i realy love, is drilled.
and now the track is still clipping the thumbhole, doesn´t matter the release.
every position of the hand, every axis rotation, the ball clips the thumbhole and sometimes the finger.
how told, the first time the ball works great with the old drilling and from one frame to the other it started clipping the hole.

is it possible that something in the ball is defect?


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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2003, 10:56:50 AM »
If a drilled ball did not hit your thumb hole, it's not going to start doing that, unless you change your release.

I am not sure about this, and a more experienced ball person would have to comment on it. Maybe if the core cracked or if the core separated from the cover, could that have affected your track in the way you describe? I do not know.
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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2003, 11:48:07 AM »
I am experiencing a similar problem but I'm wondering if mine is associated with thumb pitch.

I was throwing 13 lb. equipment for several years with "0" thumb pitch and had no problems.

Last year I purchased a 14 lb. ball and was getting an above average amount of washouts.

I read several BR posts on lateral thumb pitch and after taking the suggested test it stated I should use 1/8 lateral under palm.  I redrilled the thumb and most of the washouts went away.

This year I went back to 13 lbs. because I was experiencing shoulder pain with the 14.  The 13 was also drilled with 1/8 under palm thumb pitch.  It doesn't feel quite as comfortable as the 14 did.

Could it be that because the 14 was too heavy for me that the lateral pitch was assisting me in lifting the ball?  Now that I'm back to 13 which is the proper ball weight could the lateral pitch be causing me to top the ball slightly and that's the reason why I'm tracking closer to the thumb hole?

I'm having the 13 redrilled and wondering if I should go back to "0" thumb pitch?


Edited on 11/29/2003 12:46 PM


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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2003, 12:34:40 AM »
well I've had this problem with two bowling balls before.  My Apex Aggression and my Silver Streak.  They both hit like a truck and hooked a grip load.  I still to this day love both of my balls (As should every man).  But lately those two bowling balls have begining to clip my thumb hole as you hear it thumping down the lane.  And trust me Everything is exactly the same down to the timing and my hand position.  I think it might be the new pattern that my house has recently put out that makes my ball flare a lil more.  It's starting to make my brain hurt of all the different reasons that I can think of but they all end up to be false.  I've heard a lot of opinions and they have all been wrong.  But oh well, it barely clips my thumb hole so it doesn't affect my reaction or roll of my bowling balls.


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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2003, 06:27:26 AM »

Unless you're throwing a full roller style, a ball generally flares away from the thumbhole, not towards it, AFAIK. As Jeff Mop confirmed, this can happen when you change your release. There is some other reason; physical laws just don't change, unless you have somehow tapped into the Q continuum!
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Edited on 12/3/2003 7:26 AM
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Re: suddenly clipping the thumbhole
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2003, 07:25:31 PM »
Had an AZO fat man that flare backwards, lol but that was because the ball had two pins and the core was on i don't know what continuum lol ball was just werid lol it didn't hook it wobbled. lol
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