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Author Topic: Super Trooper Problem  (Read 2632 times)


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Super Trooper Problem
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:38:39 AM »
Yep, nothing like walking over and looking down at one of your favorite balls, and its cracked.  You know not like the left any where hot or cold.  Sitting on my living room floor.  Well another one of my 300 balls down the crapper.  Really, pisses me off!  

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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 07:54:10 PM »
Damn, Super Trooper is one great ball.  Sorry to hear that it cracked.  Hope the damage is not too extensive and you can get her repaired.  Love mine.  One honest ball.  Hope Columbia releases another incarnation of that one!
KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 7/27/2006 7:53 PM


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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 09:42:22 PM »
The damage is too bad.  Cracked 3/4 of the way around.  From my ring finger, to the pin and then around. I loved that ball, too.

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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2006, 04:29:50 PM »

Sites like this one and others also aid in perpetuating the ball cracking myth. As soon as anyone hears or sees a Columbia or Storm or any other ball crack, it's straight to the message boards to spout out about how the company is going bankrupt because they can't make balls the right way.......

Truth is that under the right or wrong circumstances ANY bowling ball can crack. The material they are made of is porous and brittle by nature.

Given the right amount of stress either from temperature, humidity, or plain old wear and tear, ANY ball can crack.


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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2006, 11:48:51 PM »
Gee.... Let me see, ball has been used 25 games tops, in a room that is controlled temperature, and humidity.  I have had ball crack before, seems that Columbia, and Track don't like me then.  They always go down, with cracks.  I have had enough experience with bowling balls, in my 25+ years to know what makes a ball crack, and what does not.  If was to run down a list of every Columbia made ball, that cracked, we would be laughing right now.

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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2006, 02:10:53 AM »
Go ahead and make that list and feel free to include every other ball from every other company that has cracked at one point or another......

Just curious Ax.....where do you live?


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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2006, 07:14:29 AM »
I live in Chicago, Il. Mind you, I cannot remember everyone of the balls, these are the ones that stick on in my mind.  Never left them in cars, or any where else that have had extreme temperatures. Never having many games on them either.  In my 25+ years, I have tried probably close to 500 balls.   Here is a brief list:

AMF-  Nighthawk Tour Menace

Brunswick- None (never had owned many)

Columbia- Super Trooper, Full Throttle, Richocet, Rage,

Ebonite- Killer Instinct Pearl, Apex Adrenaline, 8 Ball, Matrix Trimax, Apex

Hammer- Vicous Pearl Reactive

Lane 1- Pink Rapsberry

Lane Master/Azo- None

Morich- None

Roto Grip- None

Storm- None

Track- Black Stomp, Nuke, Elite (3 or 4)
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Edited on 8/6/2006 7:14 AM
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Re: Super Trooper Problem
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2006, 09:47:20 AM »
Major Action,

Yes most is bloated in conversation but it is still statistically relevant. I have worked with a few shops(3) in the NY/Vt area. Yes have seen lots of balls crack most have come from two manufacturers. Ebonite and Columbia/Track. Two of the three houses are predominantly Columbia houses(60-70%) for whatever reason dating back at least 10 years. Most of the cracking we have seen dated back a few years. Columbia Chaos line, Columbia Messenger Line (the green one especially), Columbia EPX's. Track's Heat and Contender being slightly issue related. Many other but those are the lines that showed signifigant issues. Now with that being said the original black Chaos was loved here as well as a ton of Messenger Red/Blue and Messenger Ti Pearls. Ebonites issues arose when they went to the thinner coverstock however many years ago. We had a lot of the Apex and Matrix  line issues. (Apex Reflex,Dominator and Addiciton to say a few). I am not biased in any way as i feel sometimes cracking is just as much a drillers fault as the manufacturers (also 2 of my three fav balls are Columbia/Track - yes both cracked but still used them for well over 300 games). I did not list Storm Pardigm's as they had a semi-recall and publicly voiced their problem.  Also not listed is voiding which i have seen a lot especially in Storm inner fillers and a few cases in some Track balls.Not enough brunswick thrown across these houses to give representative data. People are picky and even though they they might like something the impression that is given from something like a crack because it is a visual takes longer to change. So please don't brush off people like some would,  educate them or at least listen to the input which is given.