Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: DP3 on May 17, 2005, 04:51:20 AM
Hey people, there hasn't been much talk about these balls but I believe that they are some of the best reactive asymmetricals on the market, especially in the Columbia line. You may or may not have remembered my post about how good the Drive is when I threw the test ball around October, but it's push with strong yet predictable recovery is a great and unique look in the columbia line. Since the core isn't a super strong assymetrical, it never gives you too much power in the midlane or too much unpredictability on the backend and I think that's what makes this line unique. Assymetrics that are strong, yet controllable.
I make this post because I recommended an arsenal consisting of a 1-2-3 punch of an Overdrive, drilled 3 x 4 3/4(mB placement, not C.G) with a Target hole on the C.G, a Drive drilled 4 1/2 x 5 3/4(mB placement, not C.G) with a target hole on the C.G, and a Super Trooper drilled 5x5(C.G placement) for a two hander with about 450rpms, and a speed of about 16.5-17mph. He practiced with them before league and shot 813 with the Overdrive, and 2 games of 248 and 277 with the Super Trooper, then went into his final night of league and shot 776(299, 218, 259) with the Regular Drive.
He told me that these balls were so readable and predictable that all he had to do was replicate the feel of the shot out of his hand and not even worry about what he was hitting on the lanes and he held pocket the entire night.
Don't overlook these balls guys, they are a sleeper.
Respect the Game
Fascinating.... I just purchased an alter Ego pearl, overseas version of drive I wanted to know more about!
I found it extremely clean as did the righties who threw it!
Of course they can't hook anything.
PS I'm going to pm you.
Since the core isn't a super strong assymetrical, it never gives you too much power in the midlane or too much unpredictability on the backend and I think that's what makes this line unique. Assymetrics that are strong, yet controllable.
Not that unique...there are quite a few.......Animal, WMB, Hercules, ..heck, anything from Track and/or Morich can be strong and controllable..yes?
"Chance to squint at a sky so blue that it hurts your eyes just to look at it."
I think I now what he means! Coverstock looks cleaaaannnn!
And the mass bias does not seem to be so much!
They seem to wait and then make their move! Just first impression throwing righty and having a straighty righty throw! Wait all his stuff seems to wait! Hmmmm? Waiting to drill ....mulling pattern!
Not that unique...there are quite a few.......Animal, WMB, Hercules, ..heck, anything from Track and/or Morich can be strong and controllable..yes?
I see the point you're trying to make Jeff but all of those balls you've mentioned are Particle. Of course they're going to be controllable to a certain extent because the particle covers are blending the pattern. These are reactives that are giving a particle like read, while still being asymmetrical. Most reactive assymetricals want to turn the corner on a dime(like a Time Zone, Ravage when set up strong, Ravage II, The Reactive Matrix Series, the Reactive X-Factors).
Strongish type layouts were used in these balls by the user who has a high revrate and medium high speed and there wasn't any "jumpiness" in sight on a pretty wet-dry fresh house condition. Despite being Reactives with an Assymetrical core, the Diff isn't very high so you don't get that overreaction in the dry or in the midlane from the core spinning up too fast.
Respect the Game
got ya DP ........good point
"Chance to squint at a sky so blue that it hurts your eyes just to look at it."
NP Jeff,
I have a Rebound on the way, the first chance(money wise too
) I'm drilling up the following
and I might try a Scout Hi-Flare Reactive(just cause it looks so awesome)
Respect the Game
Oh snap !lol i love the alter ego pearl, and drive !the over drive for me wasn't enough surface for oily stuff but It was smooth for me. the alter ego i still one of the best heavy oil balls since the trauma response and el nino xit
And DP3 it's on it's way when i get back from nationals.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Staff Writer 7-10 Split Magazine,EGO Communications
Montreal, Quebec.
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