Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: thegame on March 31, 2005, 05:02:11 AM
Anyone got any information on this new Columbia release? In my center's pro shop, but no info if it's particle, reactive, or weight block type. Even the Columbia tech guy didn't have any info about it when we called.
I gor a tip from my man at Columbia. Its got a bully core with a pearl m-80 cover. I believe it is redand gold in color. It will be a rpo shop only ball as Columbia is going to try and keep it off the internet.
That basically sounds like a Backyard Bully...
American beer is like making love in a canoe. It's f*cking close to water. - Monty Python
Why is American beer served cold? So you can tell it from urine. - David Moulton
Backyard has the M80-2 cover. This is basically a Big Bully Pearl, limited to Pro-shops only. I got one and it looks like a pearlized Track Rule. Won't be available til mid to late April. They aren't making very many of these balls so if you have a chance to get one, I'd jump at the chance.
I'd have to say this is the coolest name for a ball I've heard in a long time. It should come with one of those old school style single ball bags(you know, with the metal rack in the bottom, lol) in a nice black mock-leather type exterior. That'd be sweet.
LOL!Yeah it'd be like da Oh S**t you got in Brian's shop DP3. I got one of those bags at home too.
They should have never gave this N**** bowling balls. You know he gonna win. He's lefthanded. What the Hell were you thinkin'? -My own ignorant signature..
Good to see the first ball company taking a step at making the pro shops a priority over the internet again.
Anyone else get the email from Chad M. at columbia about the seminars?
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
Edited on 4/2/2005 0:07 AM
When and where is the seminar.
"Learn to throw a lot of strikes" - Tony Reyes
You say dead and buried, I say alive and kickin'. I just don't like their high performance stuff too well. but when it comes to the medium to low performance, you won't find anything better on the market in my eyes. Don't know why everyone always compares companies with their high end equipment.
Conversation between me and my girlfriend.
Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind. 

The Professional is a Pearl Big Bully, not a Pearl Bully. The numbers are different if you check the difference between the two. Big Bully has lower RG so it tends to read the lane earlier than a Bully. Combine that with a strong pearl cover and what you've got is ball that can cover some boards because of its ability to read the mid-lane while retaining a lot of energy for the backend.
As far as the price goes, it's all about supply and demand. They are making very few of these balls, which dictates a higher price. The cost is only about $6 more than a Big Bully here in So Cal.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
Jon, did you punch yours yet? This ball rolls NICE. Much better than the backyard. see you Monday
Chris Oakes
Cerritos Bowling Supply
Columbia 300 Regional Staff
I want to track one of these down, there is no info about this ball here in canada. the backyard was very over under for me, and it isn't sitting in my bag right now. i rather the drive.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
We just got one at the shop, we'll be getting one more on the 20th of April. I think they are limiting purchasing to 16 units per shop.
EDIT: by request, here is a picture
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Edited on 4/7/2005 5:52 PM
Drilled mine Thursday night, pin under ring and cg kicked out 3" from midline with x-hole on my PAP (5 1/8" over, 3/4" down)
Shot 246 -286 the first two games with it, front 7 game one, front 10 game two.
This ball compliments my Big Bully perfectly. I suggest getting your hands on one if you can.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
haha shot 289, front ten with my BRUNSWICK Absolute Inferno.
never fails though, anytime i'm up against some C 300 user, my Brunsgear prevails.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
Recognize... Of course the only thing that kept you away from 300 was the fact that you were using brunswick. if you would have been using a decent company like say Columbia 300 or Visionary then, well 300 woulda been a sinch.


I still say the inferno line is over rated. Haven't seen a single ball from that line that works for me. but who knows. maybe its just my style.
Conversation between me and my girlfriend.
Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind. 

Nice try Recognize, I've got (49) 300s, about 40 of them are with Columbia equipment. I had 300 with Columbia, Storm, Ebonite, Hammer and Track, but Brunswick always rolled like crap for me. I'd take you on anyday.
when and where buddy, i live in so. california so i hope you do to.
oh and remember this. if something rolls like crap its cause crap threw it. you see because crap wouldn't know what it looks like when the right stuff is being used. and crap can't use the right stuff because it just won't match crap's game.
but u guys keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel good at the end of the game.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
I love kids who have no clue. They crack me up.
Nice try Recognize, I've got (49) 300s, about 40 of them are with Columbia equipment.
And about 30 of those were either with a Beast, Beast Pearl or Surge! LOL
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
You're right Nick, the Beast Pearl and Surge have been good to me over the years.
As for you No Talent, you name the place and the terms and I'll be glad to come take your lunch money. I'm in So Cal too by the way.
Cal Bowl.
always up for a game.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
Figures you would name your home house, but that's cool. Now how much do you want to wager? I doubt you'll be using your own money, you probably have some leauge bowler fooled into thinking you're the next best thing.
Definitely need the date and time...I'm just up the freeway...I'll be there...
Figures you would name your home house, but that's cool..
Maybe if he had a car, he could bowl somewhere else.
Oooh idea.. maybe he should go to the car dealerships and ask for a handout, with all the riff-raff about being the greatest driver in the world. It'll work! 
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-05
¡Viva la nación de Brunswick!
Maybe with all the money he's gunna take from me he can afford a bus pass.
Don't worry Jeff, it'll be worth the wait.......

Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
Jon, the date should be April 30th, then after you take some money from him, you can parlay it into the bragging right tournament. It might make it worth your time that way.
Has anyone have a price on the ball. I found it for 105.00
Wrong Ball sorry lol
d#a#m#n, im just getting flack from all ends.
my jokes are no go and now im getting ragged on bout not having a car, well whats is a guy to do.
well, jon b i can make it out to another house in that area if youd like does not have to be my house. there is also keystone and cerritos and lindbrook and fountain. thats as about as close as it gets for me. but you give me a time and a date and we will go from there. but unfortunaly, i cannot play you for money unless it were in the form of a scholarship check made out to yaba.
all the fans can come to i have no problems with crowds, not really going to be too much competition though, im just looking for a game to play as a part of my training. so sure why not.
BrunsNick, man that is a new low, something ive never seen from you. i never claimed i was the best, never would. i wouldnt even say im near the best, but i am worhty of the best.(kinda makes me think what the Bruns staff really thinks of me, but there not my sponsers yet so i guess i dont care either). well at least you had my back about the car issue. ha. ha. ha.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
A Yaba bowler, yapping off at a regional player about bowling some action? Wow.
thats right. a game here is a game here. why not take on a higher level competitor. how else will i become prepared?
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
Edited on 4/13/2005 12:41 PM
you know my name. at least i know yours.
"Strikes show them you know the game. Spares show them you can play the game."
When you bowl a 300, then you have a little sense of what it is like to be Jesus Christ.
A wise man knows when he is beat, it's time you RECOGNIZE Talent!!!
Well it comes down to this, you're a Yaba bowler who can't bowl for money and I'm an adult who won't bowl unless it's for money. I don't have anything to gain by winning.
How about this, I'll bowl you left-handed for fun, since I probably have one more 300 than you with that hand too. And if you beat me left-handed, then I'll think about switching hands and bowl you for lunch.
Jon, I can set this up at Cerritos

Chris Oakes
Cerritos Bowling Supply
Columbia 300 Regional Staff
Maybe we can set up a Double Match. Me and Chris vs. Questionable Talent and whoever. Loser buys lunch. That means if we win, they better bring some dough cause Chris can EAT!!!! hahaha.....
and he can drink beers too!
Paul Smith
PBA WildTurkey West Regional Member.
LMAO can someone tape this so i can watch the webcast later of this?
and on another note, this threat got so off topic, lol you don't know if the title of it is about a ball or a guy challenging a PBA regional player.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
This guy also has no profile.
How many 3s and 8s has he got?
Does he work at or with a proshop?
Any state titles? and what's his average.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
Talk about having no clue what I was starting when I asked a question about the new Professional coming out, lol. It's all good, hell, even I'm interested in seeing how this turns out now. Keep us all posted.
man i wanna know who this guy is too... he sounds funny... since he wants to bowl jon... but then again i wouldnt mind bowling jon either ;-) but regardless i wanna know like ryan does ... which im sure i will after this summer ... jon... you and paul should come bowl wednesday nights at harleys... it would be funny... not fair but funny... i like watching all the old guys cry about the shot while the young guys just whack em... you guys hsould come bowl... i was talkin to paul about it already
Big "B" Is Where It's At
How could anyone complain about that shot? Now, if they would just stop taking the left side away life would be nice...... : )
Who this guy is doesn't concern me. All I know is that if he's that good (or at least everyone at his center thinks he is) then he'd be winning every JAT and be high average in Greater LA Jr. All Stars. Since every single Touring Pro who is from So Cal went through both of those Junior programs. I suggest turning adult right now, bowling Regionals for a whole season and earn your spot on tour. If you're as good as you think you are, then the ball reps and sponsors will find you. If you're a fraud, then we'll all have been right about you being No Talent.
Mason, after bowling 5 leagues this season, I'm only bowling one PBA Pattern League at Valencia. You should bring some buddies and bowl that if you want to be more than a house league hack. 
Starts Monday June 6th at 7:30pm, PM me for details.
I go up against a hall of famer all the time and i have no problem beating him but also he is a nice guy to Don the Soaker McCune he is a good bowler but the youths r getting better.
Good bowler use the big B and when they do they create a Storm
Kiall Hill
The Chipmunk
"Its a trip 4 fest"
"God Dam it"
"Yea but the Brunswick ones get all ten down"
Well what can I say? I'm a youth, and I would have no problem going up against any of our regional pros in the area. in fact in all honestly I believe that only 3 or 4 people in the state are better than me. I don't want to sound cocky, But I can't wait, cause in a couple years I'll be up there with them and I don't plan on losing too often. so hey Big-Bad, maybe we'll see each other in the future at some tournament. from the sounds of it your better than me, but i'd still enjoy the game, plus I got 1 maybe 2 more years before i come out of juniors. thats plenty of time to improve my game.
Conversation between me and my girlfriend.
Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind. 

jon i aint turnin till end of summer... im assuming its an adult league ya?
Big "B" Is Where It's At
and house shot hack... i bowl on one pba pattern league right now... and im bowling two sanctioned sport shot leagues this summer :-P !
Big "B" Is Where It's At
Yeah Mason it's an adult league.
Jouster, no one wants to hear how good you are. Just show us with numbers.
LoL, I just love how Mr. Talent was completely trying to slam Columbia equipment by saying his Brunswick stuff beats it down repeatedly, then he gets called out by a Columbia staffer and backs down and has suddenly become a "victim" of the forum posters. Perhaps you will learn with time and a little maturity that its the person throwing the ball, not the logo on the ball, and maybe next time you wont be so quick to spout off at the mouth. Had you merely wanted "better competition", you could've just posted that you would like to bowl with Jon B sometime, instead you chose to take a stab at Columbia players in general: Bad Idea.
Anyone seen any prices on these yet? Just wondering what they are going to be selling for in different parts of the country.
Saw it at my pro shop today.
It does look just like a rule IMHO.
Price here $230 with the free Columbia 300 shirt.
It still isn't on Ebay. this is surprising.
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shop
Montreal, Quebec.
Our pro shop got our initial order of 16 today. The ball looks absolutely fantastic on the lanes. Saw it rolling on old pba pattern A as well as a fresh house shot. I think its safe for me to say its been a couple of years since i've seen something bring it this hard at the breakpoint. Ball was drilled 5 inch Pin to PAP, with a 45 degree shift on the cg. An extra hole 1 inch past the VAL, guy has average revrate, slightly higher than average ball speed and the thing just refused to NOT corner. Excellent piece, and look forward to many more "pro-shop" releases.
Our pro shop got our initial order of 16 today. The ball looks absolutely fantastic on the lanes. Saw it rolling on old pba pattern A as well as a fresh house shot. I think its safe for me to say its been a couple of years since i've seen something bring it this hard at the breakpoint. Ball was drilled 5 inch Pin to PAP, with a 45 degree shift on the cg. An extra hole 1 inch past the VAL, guy has average revrate, slightly higher than average ball speed and the thing just refused to NOT corner. Excellent piece, and look forward to many more "pro-shop" releases.
Sounds a lot like an Xception or a Shock and Awe.
I'd say thats a fair surmise. The clean look through the fronts like the xception with the release at the break point of the S&A.
Shot 264-279-258 801 two Mondays ago with my Professional. Definitely allowed me to get inside and swing it with some serious bounce on the backend. Thanks Columbia.....
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You win some, you lose most"
This ball is pretty much a big bully pearlized.
It has the same weightblock as the big bully.
Just different coverstock..
Edited on 5/13/2005 2:54 PM
thats exactly what it is... a pearl big bully.... great ball... drilled mine up today... rolls aggressive but clean through the heads and rolls hard off the break point....
Big "B" Is Where It's At