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Author Topic: Thinking of getting an Apogee - Drilling suggestions?  (Read 919 times)

T Brockette

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Thinking of getting an Apogee - Drilling suggestions?
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:50:38 PM »
I am thinking of getting an Apogee and would like some input on the drill pattern. Pap is 4 3/4 over and 5/8 up. Tweener with about 300 revs. 16 to 17 mph. I am looking for an aggressive drilling but with an arching motion, not a go long and snap set. My normal drill of choice is usually a label drill. Trying to decide between this ball and a Storm Agent. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Lane#1 Mafia Enforcer...........All other balls sleeps with the fishes.
FOS - Simple.....To the point....Nuff said.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack



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Re: Thinking of getting an Apogee - Drilling suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 10:24:48 AM »
I have both the agent is stronger in box finish, i did not change the apogee before i sold it to Ramtart. You will need to hit the apogee with surface for it too as strong in the midlane's as the agent. If you can find one i would go with a Professional over the Apogee, i have 2 of these and they are by far a better overall ball with the same cover.

I had both balls drilled at 4 1/2 pin to pap and mb to pap on the apogee is 4 1/2 inches, for me the hyjinx is stronger but i never took the surface down on it either.