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Author Topic: Thoughts on Action (first release)  (Read 1387 times)


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Thoughts on Action (first release)
« on: August 17, 2006, 10:49:42 PM »

Reason why im asking this question is because I was told that this ball was a dud (by a few local top bowlers) and not to waste my money.  I was told that the ball rolls out and didn't carry very good.  Even though I got that advice im still leaning towards getting it.  Can someone give me some good reasons to or not to get this ball.  Thanks in advance!



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Re: Thoughts on Action (first release)
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2006, 06:56:49 AM »
I do not see a reason (at least among you listed) why you should not try the Action. When a ball rolls out and hits weak, it is IMHO not the ball itself, rather a not matching lane condition (probably not enough head oil), an improper drilling and/or a user error. The only "drawback" I see - but that's nothing against the ball - is that the Action Packed and Action Max have been standing in the spotlights recently. Personally, I consider the ball to be a very good choice for medium-oily conditions, and from a local staffer I héard that it is also easily adjustable with the coverstock.

BTW, as an alternative: check out the overseas ball "Chris Barnes Select". Action coverstock, Bully/Power Drive core, and sweeeeet color (Blue and silver/white). This one sounds promising, too, and quite close to the Action.

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Re: Thoughts on Action (first release)
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2006, 10:00:30 AM »
The Action was a dud?  Hmm...  I am not quite believing that one.  I agree with the last post that maybe the conditions didn't match up or something because I've seen videos of the Action.  I mean it is a high performance sanded ball so I would think you would need a good amount of oil out there right?

I find it confusing that these 'top bowlers' would say this.  Maybe they are biased against certain products?

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Re: Thoughts on Action (first release)
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 10:19:10 AM »
I reccomended an Action to my friend to replace his aging C300 Pulse.  Had it drilled label lev.  He plays pretty deep with a ton of rev and great control putting up some of his highest scores ever.  I cant imagine what would happen if he went to a stronger drilling.  I reccomend it.
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Re: Thoughts on Action (first release)
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 08:45:10 AM »
I think the ball is absolutely outstanding. It is smooth and extremely powerful. It seems to prefer inside lines more than outside, but the predictability make it usable on both. In OOB finish, the ball will need a ton of oil in order to restore energy; that's why I applied a light coating of finishing compound to get the ball down the lane a bit further. In that surface, the ball is just sick. Every ball is not for every bowler, but this ball fits well with most bowlers I've seen. If you can get one, I'd do it.
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