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Author Topic: Throttle vs Reaction Arc...  (Read 1676 times)

Ric Clint

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Throttle vs Reaction Arc...
« on: September 05, 2003, 12:53:01 PM »
What's the difference between the 2 balls?

I've heard that the ARC hooks more than the ROLL and WOW! and Icon 300. But how does the ARC compare to the Throttle?

Which gets more length and which has more backend?


channel surfer

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Re: Throttle vs Reaction Arc...
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2003, 06:58:24 AM »
Arc has more length
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Ric Clint

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Re: Throttle vs Reaction Arc...
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 11:08:12 PM »

Anybody else tried each?


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Re: Throttle vs Reaction Arc...
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2003, 11:40:52 PM »
I don't pay much attention to "Ball Reviews" of the 'heavy oil' balls, because most bowlers don't see a heavy enough condition to warrant throwing these monsters, so the reviews are mostly useless.
I've thrown 3 Arcs, 2 Wows, an Icon 300, and just recently drilled a Throttle. It's difficult to make comparisons - I haven't thrown the Arc in a while, and both of the Wow's are drilled very tame. I've thrown the Icon 300 dry and polished (and don't like it so far). I haven't yet been able to throw the Throttle on HEAVY oil. However, I did move in deep in a couple of centers trying to find some oil, and judging by what I've seen so far, I would have to say that the the ARC and the Throttle are similar. Both are VERY aggressive coverstocks. As for length, that's gonna depend on how you lay out the ball. The balls have almost identical RG numbers, and the Throttle has higher differential, so I think you could drill it up to do many different things (on heavy oil only). I had one ARC with the pin above the ring finger, and it would get down the lane pretty good with a strong backend and devastating hit, as long as there was decent head oil. I had another arc drilled 4x4, and it was too early on most conditions, and more susceptible to burning up early. I laid out my Throttle with the Pin above the ring and the CG stacked below, and my initial results remind me a lot of my similarly drilled ARC. I look forward to throwing it on a HEAVY oil shot, but I don't see that very often.

Edited on 9/8/2003 0:43 AM