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Author Topic: Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help  (Read 1441 times)


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Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help
« on: May 30, 2006, 07:08:10 AM »
I know this ball is old but I had it for like 6 yrs now and I was 14 when I got it so I knew nothing aobut balls. Its a 15 pounder and its drilled pretty damn aggressive with high flare. I recently bought a punisher and took it to get drilled and I told the shop owner I wanted it to replace the Messanger and he said "Why" and I replied "isnt it a stronger ball?". He must of flipped out and told me that the punisher will never have a stornger hook that the messanger that I ahve on any lane condition even though theya re both made for dryer lanes. So can someone plz tell mea little info about my ball and if it was good way back when.



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Re: Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2006, 04:52:17 PM »
The Messenger Ti will probably handle a little bit heavier oil than the Punisher, but the Punisher will probably go longer and snap harder with similar drillings. (The B/S/P Ti pearl will be very slightly earlier than the balck/gold Ti pearl.) If the Messenger is tracked or not highly polished the way it came out of the box, it will definitely be stronger, earlier and handle more oil than the Punisher.

The difference between them is not huge; if I were you, I'd use the Punisher to replace the Messenger Ti OR drill it slightly differently you accentuate the differences between them. Heck, you can also modify one or the other's surface slightly to also accentate their differences.

If the Messenger Ti is truly 6 years old, I think you more than got your money's worth out of it. But, if you like it and it still works well, then keep using it.

Some pro shops really love Columbia balls and some really like Brunswick. In each type of shop, you'll get a different opinion. I like both ball companies. Both balls are excellent when drilled for the bowler and used on the right condition.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2006, 05:00:26 PM »
Yes its truly 6 yrs old and I think its time ot bake it or somthing. I will continue to use it for my spares. Even though im a 2finger bowler ive gotten to the point where I pick up pretty much everything but a 7-10 split. Im getting a Scrochin' Inferno and ???(Goliath or Rampage). The punisher was drilled the same and all it did was slide down to the 6 and 10 pin even if i slowed it down it didnt snap. My gold/balck messanger does more of a skid snap but can almost handle my throwing speed. Plus I sold the punisheranyway....


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Re: Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2006, 12:59:55 AM »
If you are looking to replace the Messenger TI Pearl go with the Rampage with the Scorchin that would give you a solid for oil and a polished pearl for dryer conditions--adding the Goliath will just give you two different oil balls.

I have a Messenger TI Pearl (blk\Gold) and I use it for Med to dry and it has a strong break off the dry. You might want to take your Messenger to a pro shop and have it resurfaced back to OOB condition. I personally like to use older discontinued "proven" balls.

The Messenger TI Pearl was all the rage not too long ago. You can find like 56 reviews on this site alone and almost all of them rave about this ball.

Of course since you have had the ball for six years maybe it is time to buy something new....just to buy a new ball.

I get balls are cool.

LowRev and Lovin' it
--Well more like Medium Revs and a lot more axis tilt since I switched to finger tip.


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Re: Titanium Messanger Pearl - Help
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2006, 02:36:00 PM »
Well I could get it resurfaced to OOB condition but it does have a few dents in it from over the years. Are there repairable? Um either I will get the Rampage or I will get the scrochin' and a bag and just re-do my titanium.