Just out of curiosity, a few thoughts occurred to me.
1. Has anyone learned whether we're talking about the Cuda/C solid or the Cuda/C pearl?
2. The original Cuda had a Flexcel coverstock. Its replacement, the SuperCuda/C had a SuperFlex coverstock. This made the first almost weak in comparison to the replacement.
3. Is the "friend" looking for an exact replacement (which would call for the mild Flexcel coverstock or SuperFlex with a higher RG) or for the equivalent to a Cuda/C (pearl or solid) so that the current ball would be in the same place in Columbia's current line-up as the Cuda/C was in the Columbia line-up at the time (1995 or so)
So if he were looking for an exact replacement, the Spirit II (now discontinued)or the Wild (possibly with a slight scuffing) is probably the closest.
If he were looking for the equivalent, it would be either the Messenger To Traction (solid) or the Messenger ti Pearl (pearl).
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."