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Author Topic: Update on my Action Packed  (Read 3143 times)


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Update on my Action Packed
« on: March 05, 2006, 08:13:30 AM »
I drilled my Action Packed pin negative and with the CG positive. The drilling came out to be 6 3/8 pin to PAP and 4 3/16 CG to PAP.

The ball was/is horrible. WHen i weighed it up it was COMPLETLY STABLE. What i mean is that it had 0 finger weight, 0 thumb weight, and 0 side to side. Completly stable. When i threw the ball it would either skate the entire lane, or it would over snap the backend. Very odd for putting a controll drill on the ball. Anyway, i tried everything with this ball. I cant play straight with it, and thats what i drilled it for. I cant swing it to the dry because where i bowl league theres no dry outsides. Im completly lost.

Yesterday i punched a weight hole into the ball to give some top weight to it to get it farther down the lane so it stores more energy.Ill repost after i throw the ball, and eventually ill take some video clips of the ball.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%



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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 04:48:02 PM »
it's got to be the pin position. The core dynamics of the ball are very aggressive. It has a low rg and a fairly high differential. The ball should definitely not skid 64 feet. The reason yours does must be the pin being 6 3/8 from your pap. That is almost the lowest flaring position possible.

that was teh point. Since the core RG is so low and in nature it would rev a lot, with the pin that far i was taking away flare. Its what i got, but its way to picky. Im hoping the weight hole will push the ball farther with more stored energy to snap.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 05:03:45 PM »
I have my AP drilled with the pin about 1 1/2 inches above and to the right of the ring finger and I get great backend reaction with no skating at all..

I really think the problem with the AP you drilled is the pin and cg location.. I would have never placed the pin in that position on a ball with specs like the AP..

You want this ball to have flare, so why take the flare away by drilling it that way??

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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 05:08:37 PM »
I talked to a Columbia rep and he was telling me that the ball revs up and revs just as hard at the Action. I know people who throw the Action, so i knew what he meant. i Drilled the low flare drilling because i wanted something that would snap in the back, but that i could play straight up 5 or so with it. And the house where i bowl tends to have over hooking backends so thats why i had the low flare drill on it.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2006, 07:14:03 PM »
When is a 6 3/8 pin a control drill? Where did you put the hole?  Hopefully 2 inches below your pap.  This drill usually works best when the heads are gone. But cosidering I've never seen you throw the ball and I don't know what other equipment you have. This is strictly an educated guess.  Maybe you can try adding some surface to the ball? A little grey or green pad?  

Good luck....
Joe Jozwik
Central Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2006, 07:32:15 PM »
When is a 6 3/8 pin a control drill? Where did you put the hole?  Hopefully 2 inches below your pap.  This drill usually works best when the heads are gone. But cosidering I've never seen you throw the ball and I don't know what other equipment you have. This is strictly an educated guess.  Maybe you can try adding some surface to the ball? A little grey or green pad?  

Good luck....
Joe Jozwik
Central Account Manager
Columbia 300, Inc.

Well the weight hole is more than 2 below my pap...almost 3. But why does that matter? And my equipment and videos are in my profile if you want to see them
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2006, 12:24:26 AM »
just curious to know why you would want to "drill the guts out of this ball"
when I say that I mean to make it able to play straighter on over hooking backends etc.
why not just drill a u-turn reactive or super trooper?
Did they run the oil machine?  Was there any oil in it.....


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2006, 03:29:56 AM »
Interesting - of all the suggested drilling patterns - yours is not one of those recommended by columbia 300.  IMO, there is probably a good reason for that.



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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2006, 03:56:09 AM »
The drill pattern you have put on this ball will make it tumble end over end without flipping. The lane conditions best suited for this type of drilling are short oil and extreme dry.

If the oil pattern makes the ball go really long and snap hard on the back end, why would you drill a ball that would exagerate that reaction if you are having trouble with it?

If you want to tame the back ends down you use more flare, not less, flare helps the ball grab the lane and lose energy. So if the lane is heavy oil with screaming back ends (over/under front to back) you might want to consider a rev leverage drill with a weight hole making the ball 1/2oz negative, with the hole in the thumb positive for more hook or on the Pap for control.

If you want a drill pattern that goes fairly straight and plays the outside well, try a pin axis drilling. Put the pin 1 1/2" from your pap and 1 1/2 from the vertical axis line and place the cg 3 3/8 for control, 1 1/2 for hard roll, on the val for hook stop, and place the weight hole on the PAP.


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2006, 04:26:08 AM »
hchiava1, just because a drilling is not on a drill sheet, dosnt mean that it dosnt work. Many drillings out ther are not on drill sheets.

CoachJim, im looking for something to play up the gutter with...which is why i driled it this way. I can play up the gutter with it, but not at my league house, which is what i wanted it for.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%

Edited on 3/6/2006 5:16 AM


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2006, 04:45:25 AM »
i would also give the same advice as JJ

light surface

Big Columbia

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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2006, 05:13:03 AM »
just curious to know why you would want to "drill the guts out of this ball"
when I say that I mean to make it able to play straighter on over hooking backends etc.
why not just drill a u-turn reactive or super trooper?

That's what I was thinking. You could have drilled up one of those two balls mentioned or went with the Panic. I try not to drill my equipment outside of the balls true capabilites. When you do a lot of times it turns out the opposite or nothing close to what you wanted the peice to do........

Current Arsenal:
 -Lane #1 Bullet (Pin Down)
 -Columbia Dr. Jekyll (Pin Down)
 -Columbia U-Turn Pearl (Pin Down)
 -Columbia U-Turn Pearl (Pin Up)
 -Columbia U-Turn Particle Pearl (Pin Down)
 -Columbia Power Drive (Pin Down)
 -Columbia Backyard Bully (Pin Up)
 -Columbia Professional (Pin Up)
 -Columbia Action Packed(Pin Up)
 -Columbia Action (Pin Up Polished)
 -Columbia Action (Pin Up Dull)


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Re: Update on my Action Packed
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2006, 05:59:50 PM »
CoachJim, im looking for something to play up the gutter with...which is why i driled it this way. I can play up the gutter with it, but not at my league house, which is what i wanted it for.

did you read the last paragraph of what I wrote?

If you want a drill pattern that goes fairly straight and plays the outside well, try a pin axis drilling. Put the pin 1 1/2" from your pap and 1 1/2 from the vertical axis line and place the cg 3 3/8 for control, 1 1/2 for hard roll, on the val for hook stop, and place the weight hole on the PAP.