The drill pattern you have put on this ball will make it tumble end over end without flipping. The lane conditions best suited for this type of drilling are short oil and extreme dry.
If the oil pattern makes the ball go really long and snap hard on the back end, why would you drill a ball that would exagerate that reaction if you are having trouble with it?
If you want to tame the back ends down you use more flare, not less, flare helps the ball grab the lane and lose energy. So if the lane is heavy oil with screaming back ends (over/under front to back) you might want to consider a rev leverage drill with a weight hole making the ball 1/2oz negative, with the hole in the thumb positive for more hook or on the Pap for control.
If you want a drill pattern that goes fairly straight and plays the outside well, try a pin axis drilling. Put the pin 1 1/2" from your pap and 1 1/2 from the vertical axis line and place the cg 3 3/8 for control, 1 1/2 for hard roll, on the val for hook stop, and place the weight hole on the PAP.