Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: charlee323 on April 23, 2005, 04:41:18 AM
Should this be covered under columbia's warranty. I bought a NIB Formula off ebay, took it to my pro shop today. When he drilled the thumb it chipped all the way around the thumb. He said he would take it to his supplier and see if they would replace it. What are some thoughts on this?
I sold an Ebonite to a guy from Fl from my store, on eaby, it cracked around the thumb. He sent it back to me, I called my supplier and Ebonite replaced the ball. I know Ebonite has one, if not the best, replacements in the business, but they replaced it, I'm sure Columbia will too. I'd be interested in knowing the out come.
Good Luck !
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
Sleep is over rated.
Call customer service Monday morning and talk to Dawn. She would be more than happy to point you in the right direction if she can not help you herself!
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460
thanks clint, I am going to see if my pro shop's supplier will take it back(since it wasn't bought there I am not sure); I will know monday, if that doesn't happen then I will call Dawn.
Edited on 4/23/2005 8:07 PM
friend of mine bought a big bully, soon as they started drilling the thumbhole, got about 1/2" into the ball, and the cover cracked almost all the way around. sent it back to columbia and they replaced it no problem.
My pro shop's supplier is going to replace the ball. What a guy, he really goes the extra mile to take care of a customer, even when the ball wasn't bought there.