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Author Topic: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....  (Read 2373 times)


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Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« on: July 13, 2009, 02:27:46 AM »
in the Championship round of the team challenge??

I watched the final shows this weekend and the finals were on Cheetah, I assume the new Cheetah. Was Barnes really throwing a Full Swing on that pattern?

I know it was shined, and I couldn't see the drill, but from what I read I would think it would be too much ball for that.

Or does the new Cheetah have that much more oil inside that he could get away with it?

Just curious, as I would have thought the Cool Noise or Freeze would have been a better choice.




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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 10:40:23 AM »
He was throwing a cool noize and full swing.  Full swing was polished with pin under. I imagine with the heat there was a little more oil out there than normal.
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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 10:43:29 AM »
He was throwing it on the left lane and it was burning up like crazy(on purpose i think?) as evidence by the two pocket 7-10s he left.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason

the other c300 barnes

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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 10:52:18 AM »
It just goes to show how versatile the ball is. He also threw one on scorpion and shark on the shows.

I threw it on boardwalk kegel pattern this weekend which is 35 ft and shot 60 over for 4 which is good for me on short patterns because with my axis I dont match up well. This ball is incredible I have never had a ball that was so versatile AND strong.
REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops of Georgia
Brunswick - Macon - Warner Robins
Bowl Depot - Fayetteville Ga
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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 11:55:15 AM »
in the Championship round of the team challenge??

I watched the final shows this weekend and the finals were on Cheetah, I assume the new Cheetah. Was Barnes really throwing a Full Swing on that pattern?

I know it was shined, and I couldn't see the drill, but from what I read I would think it would be too much ball for that.

Or does the new Cheetah have that much more oil inside that he could get away with it?

Just curious, as I would have thought the Cool Noise or Freeze would have been a better choice.

Barnes used to throw the Resurgence on the Cheetah as well. He's a freak, lol.
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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 01:58:29 PM »
It just goes to show how versatile the ball is. He also threw one on scorpion and shark on the shows.

I threw it on boardwalk kegel pattern this weekend which is 35 ft and shot 60 over for 4 which is good for me on short patterns because with my axis I dont match up well. This ball is incredible I have never had a ball that was so versatile AND strong.
REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops of Georgia
Brunswick - Macon - Warner Robins
Bowl Depot - Fayetteville Ga

Mr. Barnes, no the other Mr. Barnes, lol, sorry couldn't help myself. I see your stats in your signature. They are very close to mine. Have you threw the Full Swing on any of the longer Kegel patterns? Or on the Shark PBA Pattern?

If so, what was the drilling and surface you used? Just curious as I am looking at this ball for a heavier oil ball. I got some good feedback from a local bowler who is on their amatuer staff as well.


the other c300 barnes

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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 02:43:25 PM »
LOL, don't worry when I used to bowl regionals if i had to do a pro am you should have seen the look of dissapointment when they realized they were bowling with Cliff Barnes then realized im not Chris, lol, but on to business.

I have also bowled on all 5 patterns with this ball (not as well as Chris but well for my own standards). I have two of them one drilled with pin above ring no hole mb at 65 degrees.

The second is 3 1/2 inches from axis 20 degrees mass bias with a double thumb weight hole.

On Scorpion I could use both balls depending on surface and volume. My 3 1/2 FS allows me to get in and control the midlane but still give me amazing recovery. The cover is really clean BUT has an amazing ability to still read the midlane. The Pin up FS is about 3 boards weaker but another foot longer and 2 -3 more off the spot. Nice compliment!!! Both balls with out of box finish. These balls Have a great reaction on the back as I'm sure you seen on tv or from your friends on staff if you seen them throw it.

On Shark I preferred the pin up FS due to its ability to corner and give me hold when i missed left. I started around 20 swinging to around 13 and then kept migrating in. I used this ball the whole time all 6 games in a practice session with some fellow tournament bowlers.

If I was going to drill one I would drill the Pin up due to its versatility. The pin down can read the midlane to early when the oil starts to go away and with that drilling you can only move in so far before you lose carry.

This ball is the first out of my bag on any pattern and I almost always find a look with it, I haven't had a ball that I did this with since the Big Rig Diesel. This ball reminds me alot of it with better midlane control making the Full Swing more versatile. The cover/core works so well together and for that reason I believe its ball of the year!!!

Hope this helps

REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops of Georgia
Brunswick - Macon - Warner Robins
Bowl Depot - Fayetteville Ga

Edited on 7/13/2009 2:47 PM
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Re: Was Barnes throwing a Full Swing.....
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 09:10:59 AM »
LOL, don't worry when I used to bowl regionals if i had to do a pro am you should have seen the look of dissapointment when they realized they were bowling with Cliff Barnes then realized im not Chris, lol, but on to business.

I have also bowled on all 5 patterns with this ball (not as well as Chris but well for my own standards). I have two of them one drilled with pin above ring no hole mb at 65 degrees.

The second is 3 1/2 inches from axis 20 degrees mass bias with a double thumb weight hole.

On Scorpion I could use both balls depending on surface and volume. My 3 1/2 FS allows me to get in and control the midlane but still give me amazing recovery. The cover is really clean BUT has an amazing ability to still read the midlane. The Pin up FS is about 3 boards weaker but another foot longer and 2 -3 more off the spot. Nice compliment!!! Both balls with out of box finish. These balls Have a great reaction on the back as I'm sure you seen on tv or from your friends on staff if you seen them throw it.

On Shark I preferred the pin up FS due to its ability to corner and give me hold when i missed left. I started around 20 swinging to around 13 and then kept migrating in. I used this ball the whole time all 6 games in a practice session with some fellow tournament bowlers.

If I was going to drill one I would drill the Pin up due to its versatility. The pin down can read the midlane to early when the oil starts to go away and with that drilling you can only move in so far before you lose carry.

This ball is the first out of my bag on any pattern and I almost always find a look with it, I haven't had a ball that I did this with since the Big Rig Diesel. This ball reminds me alot of it with better midlane control making the Full Swing more versatile. The cover/core works so well together and for that reason I believe its ball of the year!!!

Hope this helps

REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops of Georgia
Brunswick - Macon - Warner Robins
Bowl Depot - Fayetteville Ga

Edited on 7/13/2009 2:47 PM

Thanks. I appreciate the insights.
