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Author Topic: WAS going to get a Big One, but...  (Read 926 times)


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WAS going to get a Big One, but...
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:26:30 PM »
They were on back order and I figured since they were on back order, they were going to be bigger than the one. I said ok, well screw it. I have a sport shot on Sunday and I need something for floods and carrydown. He talked to me about a couple of balls and basically it came to a Scorchin or an Action. I had been thinking for a while I should get an Action because they hook off the lane, are awesome in oil and carry down, and they just carry everything. I told him Ill go with the Action because the Scorchin would probably die on me or just wouldnt be that right ball. My Action is a 1-2 pin, with 3 top weight. My driller drilled it STRONG and I love it!! I didnt exactly try when throwing it today because I wanted to see the lines I could play, but I was impressed when I could throw it over the third arrow on the left side and send it to 5 and still have it come back and carry. Well i threw it for a couple games after work tonight and I tried playing the same line on some carry down, the ball went brooklyn!! I moved and changed hand psotions and it didnt matter. The more I use this ball the STRONGER it gets. I absolutely love it and I completely agree that this is one of the BEST balls Columbia ever made. I will make an official review on it after I get to use it this weekend.

Edited on 2/25/2006 2:17 AM


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: WAS going to get a Big One, but...
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2006, 01:51:05 AM »
Glad you like it.  Make sure to keep it clean
My Arsenal:
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno, Hammer Road Hawg, Columbia 300 Action Packed, Rotogrip Spare Tire