
Equipment Boards => Columbia 300 => Topic started by: Ric Clint on January 09, 2005, 03:50:30 PM

Title: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: Ric Clint on January 09, 2005, 03:50:30 PM
I e-mailed Columbia about there Columbia 6 Ball Roller bags (the very attractive ones) that were supposedly recalled because they were breaking at/near the handles or whatever and I was wondering if Columbia has fixed the problem and actually sent some "good" 6 Ball Rollers back out to the public yet?

Here's what they said:

"The 6 ball roller was never a problem, the two ball bag was the only real problem and we will be re-releasing it very soon.  Let me know if you have any other questions."

Do what? I thought some of the people on here were complaing that the 6 ball rollers were made cheaply???

Am I wrong?

Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: jkiser01 on January 10, 2005, 06:48:45 AM

I know of 2 people that had those newer 6 ball rollers and they BOTH had different problems. The fact that the lady told you the only bag they had problems with was the 2 ball bag worries me. I personally had one of their "new" style 3 ball rollers last year and it was a piece of junk.. I called Columbia customer service at the time I had problems and she then told me they had problems with the 3 balls rollers AND 6 ball rollers. The handle on my 3 baller had problems after less than 1 month. If you don't believe me, I have a good friend on here thats lives in San Antonio and he knows about the Columbia bags..

Why take a chance on this bag when KR makes such a great bag and it has a solid 5 year manufacturer warranty??
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)

Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: jkiser01 on January 10, 2005, 07:43:02 AM

Take it back to the place where you purchased it and have them woirk with Columbia to get it repaired/replaced..

Ric Clint, here is another example why you should just by a KR bag..
If they only made a ball that would carry that da_n 7 pin (and I am right handed!!)

Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: Ric Clint on January 10, 2005, 10:16:27 PM
Did bowlingbrian have a reply... I don't see it?

Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: Ric Clint on January 12, 2005, 02:12:48 PM
i did but my acount got deleated I bought it online

Were you bowlingbrian before your account got deleted?

If so, what did you say happened to your Columbia 6 ball bag?

Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: EddieJ300 on January 16, 2005, 09:50:18 PM
I guess I got lucky. I have a Columbia 6 ball roller. It works great!
Title: Re: What Columbia told me about there 6 Ball Roller bags
Post by: Ric Clint on January 20, 2005, 09:21:10 PM
I guess I got lucky. I have a Columbia 6 ball roller. It works great!

Have you used yours much? Got much use?