I'm not trying to bash you, but your logic towards Ebonite is flawed, and the "choice" to be one of their pro shops.
Your complaining about Ebonite because Ebonite has a program where you become an Ebonite "sponsored" pro shop and then Ebonite expects you to put their products on the shelf over other products. Why are you trying to become an Ebonite pro shop if you want to "play the field" Your logic makes no sense at all. If you want the discounts and the recognition of an Ebonite pro shop than you abide by their rules.
You have no concept at all of how this business agreement with Ebonite runs. You sign up for a program with a parent company, they have every right to tell you how to display the product in the pro shop. You signed up with them to take advantage of their discounts and brand recognition, thus they have every right to ask you to keep other products out of the shop. Your signing up to be an EBONITE PRO SHOP, not Joe Blow Bowling Balls Pro Shop.
You want all the freebies, and the perks of the program, but then you don't want to do anything for the people who are giving you those perks.
They are protecting their brand from the cheap people out there that sign up for these programs and then take the bowling balls, the perks, the name of being an "elite" pro shop and then never selling any of their equipment. It's protecting the brand, and being an exclusive pro shop that offers only Ebonite products.
Is it really that hard to understand? Ebonite doesn't force you to sign a contract with them if you don't like the terms of the contract.
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 7/13/2011 at 9:35 AM
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 7/13/2011 at 9:35 AM