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Author Topic: which ball  (Read 1332 times)


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which ball
« on: June 21, 2005, 12:10:45 AM »
bowling in the abt they use a lot of pba oil patterens. Heavy oil! I need a ball that will move. I am a lefty and throw a long hooker. I throw about 18 to 19 mph. Any help please!



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Re: which ball
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 08:15:07 AM »
do you have any more information about yourself first?  maybe cranker, stroker or tweener?  amount of revs? etc.

I've never really had much of a problem with heavy oil on PBA paterns.  usually my wired is the hardest hooking ball I need.  Except when I tried rolling on the Dexter TOC shot.  50 ft.  couldn't get anything to move.

On Edit:  sometimes a strong pearl will actually work better on those types of shots than a strong particle.
"Strive to be perfect,  that is afterall the only way to become perfect."

Conversation between me and my girlfriend.

Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind.

Proud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products

Edited on 6/21/2005 8:10 AM


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Re: which ball
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2005, 12:52:30 AM »
I was about to say, over the past 3 years of bowling collegiately(we didn't bowl any tough conditions my freshman year), we've hit every PBA pattern at various tournaments(and some scratch tournaments I've been to).  None of them have been anywhere in the area of what I consider "Heavy Oil".  Pattern B definately played the longest and D was the least forgiving to errant misses but all were very playable(and hookable) for me and my speed is only about 16.5-17 at 45 feet(release speed would be about 18.5) and a revrate around 300-320.  I would look at an arsenal of some polished aggressive resins and low load particles with lower R.G's and get used to playing inside for most of the patterns.  It really sounds like your speed overpowers your revrate causing patterns to play "longer" to your style.  I would look for something quicker revving off of your hand to give you a better midlane read to make it a bit harder to shoot through your breakpoint.

Jeff already suggested the Big Bully which would be good.  A Full Throttle and Ti-Messenger LRG would be good with surface adjustments.  I'm really in love with my Reaction Rebound.  You may want to look at that too, and something out of the Drive series to give you more kick around the corner.  For patterns A and E where you can play harder and firmer, look at the Super Trooper, Panic, Hyde, and Backyard Bully.  All polished out of box balls may require a surface adjustment though.
Respect the Game

Edited on 6/22/2005 0:47 AM


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Re: which ball
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 08:02:54 AM »
thanks I am a lefty, roll the ball about 18 to 19 mph. Not a cranker probally a tweener would best describe me. I like the ball to start curving right away with a big finish not a big back end hook.