Actually the local proshop

. I'm actually pretty good friends with the "new owner" liked the old one too. Its just that the new owner isn't quite flawless on drilling bowling balls yet. He screwed up on the plastic ball and drilled the span about 1/8 to 3/16 inches short (he ovaled the hole the wrong way). I had a slug in it in the first place, so he had to drill the slug out then put in a new one, realized that he wasn't going to be able to get the span long enough with where he had put the new slug, so we decided to go ahead and have him drill the hole as far back as possible with it still being in the slug. So this time he got the span about right. But as soon as he put his hand in the ball to put it on the counter he knew there was something wrong. Kinda funny the look on his face, while he was bringing it over he said, Thumbhole is too big isn't it? so I put my hand in and sure enough. But instead of having him go thru and plug the ball and everything I just put tape in it (4 pieces) and called it good. Since the hole was drilled too big that shortened up the span but it was only like 3/64 short so even though I feel it, it doesn't bother me. He felt so bad about the whole thing that he took it down from the original price which was 75 bucks down to 45 for me. Really nice guy and if he does mess up on a bowling ball he fixes it, even if he loses money doing it. So thats how I got it for 45 bucks.
"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect.""If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
Taken from DesiderataProud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products