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Author Topic: Why so bad  (Read 7720 times)


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Why so bad
« on: December 18, 2006, 02:48:12 AM »
To anyone that reads this why is Columbia considered to be so much worse than say Storm or Ebonite? I use a few Columbia balls to supplement my Morich stuff, when I need something mre mellow I turn to Columbia they make great equipment in my mind. Why does everyone think they suck?!
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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2006, 11:56:13 AM »
Not usually used by lefties is Columbia stuff.

But I go to one of their elite proshops and have been pleased.

My son just got an Action Max and is giddy with the way it moves and so is the top pro who drilled it for him.

The high average guy in our area is killing for two games a night with an Action Max.  Probably averaging on these first two games just under 260!

I am still very happy to use an Icon 2 a lot and on wet dries love my Icon and Panic.

Recently picked up a Jinx and think it is a super sleeper and a friend of mine who won the Sr. High Roller Classic with his Hijinx...calls the Jinx series his secret weapon.

Also know some Apogee lovers.

Columbia makes crappy stuff?


PS one of my favorite Morich balls is the Mayhem with columbia stuff wrapped around it!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2006, 12:24:12 PM »
Not usually used by lefties is Columbia stuff.

But I go to one of their elite proshops and have been pleased.

My son just got an Action Max and is giddy with the way it moves and so is the top pro who drilled it for him.

The high average guy in our area is killing for two games a night with an Action Max.  Probably averaging on these first two games just under 260!

I am still very happy to use an Icon 2 a lot and on wet dries love my Icon and Panic.

Recently picked up a Jinx and think it is a super sleeper and a friend of mine who won the Sr. High Roller Classic with his Hijinx...calls the Jinx series his secret weapon.

Also know some Apogee lovers.

Columbia makes crappy stuff?


PS one of my favorite Morich balls is the Mayhem with columbia stuff wrapped around it!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Thanks for that you should come up here in Wisconsin, People hate Columbia for some reason no one will even touch the stuff except myself. it is cool to know other people like the stuff
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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2006, 10:03:53 AM »
I think there biggest problem here is sticking with one core like shelley said, and continuing the product.

They used this style back in the early 90's for manyyy great balls out that I would almost pay 200$ for them today.

Examples: The Beast line, Piranha, Wicked's, etc.

Now it is the Action series, but seriously, how long is it going to last? All they have done is keep the M80 coverstock, which is also getting its years of use.

Now - The Jinx and Hyjinx and Apogee are a different situation. These balls have been a great success to Columbia because they are lower in price, but you do get a great reaction out of them.

I think Columbia needs to stick with one core "in example the robo core in the Machines for Track" and continue it.
ÈĻ Arsenèl - Formerly known as lane1what
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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2006, 10:15:53 AM »
From a Pro Shop's standpoint I see having a high end ball reaction in a mid-performance price point as being a plus.

I do too, don't get me wrong.  But what motivation is there for buying high-end when the same or newer technology (M80, newer cores like the Apogee's) is available at the mid-price point?  Most other brands have something that distinguishes their top-end equipment.  Activator, Soaker, fancy asymmetric cores.  If Columbia is making money selling what they have, more power to them.  But I can't say I'd spend the money for an Action when I could get an Apogee.

I don't think their equipment is no good, I know people that use lots of Columbia stuff.  I've used it (though not recently).  Good stuff, just uninspired.


Edited on 12/22/2006 11:16 AM


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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2006, 03:47:41 PM »
So it's ok for Brunswick to put Activator on the Zone series and for Ebonite to put GB 10.7 on the SR300 and RXS300, but it's not ok for Columbia to put M-80 on the Apogee???

An Apogee is not a mid price point, although it does "cost" less than a Zone or a SR300.....

Edited on 12/22/2006 4:48 PM


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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2006, 06:16:22 PM »
So it's ok for Brunswick to put Activator on the Zone series and for Ebonite to put GB 10.7 on the SR300 and RXS300, but it's not ok for Columbia to put M-80 on the Apogee???

An Apogee is not a mid price point, although it does "cost" less than a Zone or a SR300.....

Edited on 12/22/2006 4:48 PM

A very good point Storm also uses the same Cover on different perfermance levels I want to know why Everyone gets on Columbia for doing it and no one gets on anyone else for the same thing
"No one runs...from the conquerer "


Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2006, 04:59:49 AM »
Everyone always forgets the fire columbia had back in the late 90's. Just think where they could be if they never lost all those years of research. I mean if that never happen we could be talking about how we need something newer then then epoxy coverstock. We might not even be using particles in equipment if that never happen. Who knows but the fact of the matter is columbia does offer something that most companys are not doing for high performance. They are trying to keep alive the idea of a low rg symetrical ball for all those oldschool type of players. I mean I would love to see the attack core used more but unless someone out there takes charge and makes a big change in the company you probly wont see the kind of change most companys are doing. I love the asymetrical stuff out, I think that if columbia wanted to they could make one of the best high performance balls ever if they used the apogee core in a coverstock like a particle or a super strong reactive or even the blends. This imo is where they missed with the alter ego core. If they marketed the alter ego as highend I think more people would have bought it. I mean it had at the time there strongest asymetrical core and there second strongest particle cover at the time. Then they tossed that same awsome core in a pearl and solid accerater cover and marketed the drives as mid price. I had both and let me tell you very underrated balls. I wish I had more of them when I did. Everyone reuses cores and covers and puts thing in a cheap price with big performace as to make a buck. Yet sometimes you dont make a right move or something just bombs. I loved almost every single columbia ball I ever used other then the cuda line (Just didnt match up well). So we cant jump on a company for anything. Heck how long was the Messenger ti (pearl) a constent ball in the line. Something like 2001-2006, I mean that is a heck of a run for a ball to be made. I know alot of people who are B#$#$ing over it being discontined.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

"The Revolution has started. The sides were drawn, and if you didnt Choose the side ofEvolution you will fall to the power that it has."


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Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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Re: Why so bad
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2006, 09:39:30 AM »
I agree with Johnny the bowler, why pay the big bucks for something, if you can get the same or better look for a ball much cheaper.

Columbia 300 has a great line of mid price balls that are just as good, if not better than every one else's.  The Wrath, HyJinx, and Apogee are great balls that give you great looks to the pocket and you will be happy with the results. Pins hate to be hit hard, but these balls love it.