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Author Topic: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.  (Read 5418 times)

the other c300 barnes

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Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« on: December 15, 2010, 10:36:42 PM »
Join our Facebook fan page for the world beater and be automatically entered to win a World Beater. We will draw at the end of January. Just follow the link below.!/pages/Columbia-300-World-Beater/137033643021202?v=wall
REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops
Brunswick - Savannah/Pooler - Warner Robins GA
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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 07:15:26 AM »
Count me in!


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 09:35:05 AM »
WOW two tiny claps for a ball that looks like the Virtual Gravity, this ball will never be as good as the VG but keep trying, maybe 1 day someone else will make one as good but by that time there will be better stuff out, haha companies always 1 step behind.

They already made a great version of the Virtual Gravity, it was called the Total Bedlam. So quit with the hating.


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 10:39:55 AM »
REVYmcREVS just join the page so you can try to win the fricken ball know you want it now dont you?????

Go hard or go home!!!!!Bowl your best...ALWAYS!!!


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2010, 05:25:37 PM »
Pure Physics, Outburst, Ransom...... World Beater? The r&d department really couldn't come up with a better name? I wont be looking into it because i have 8 balls too many as it is, but a better sounding name couldn't hurt....
The problem with socialism is, you eventually run out of other people's money too...


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2010, 05:30:22 PM »
Yo C! Hook a brother up!

the other c300 barnes

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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2010, 07:46:26 PM »
It is always funny to me to see someone see a balls color and think its owned by a previous ball, or is being copied. Just because a balls color is close to the same as a ball released two years ago doesn't make it react the same. The Virtual Gravity has specs way different then the WB.

VG was a 2.48 and .052 with a mass bias strength of .020  
WB is a 2.54 and .055 with a mass bias strength of .017

so as far as the similarities I do not see many, but if the color is the only thing that matters I hope we make a White Dot soon Orange/Blue/Black, it will be the cheapest copy cat of a VG ever, probably roll the same too right? lol
REV RATE 350 - 380
Columbia 300 Amateur Staff
Cliff Barnes Pro Shops
Brunswick - Savannah/Pooler - Warner Robins GA
Winston Salem - Greensboro NC
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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2010, 09:40:25 AM »
Ya prolly not!

Then, by definition and intent, you ARE a troll for not contributing to the thread.

Edited on 12/17/2010 11:41 AM


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2010, 10:18:44 AM »
I mean you gotta do what you gotta do to stay in busniess and keep your job, so i guess nevermind, Great ball design.

its nothing personal. bowling ball companies constantly copy what works. You remember the Excaliber (first Reactive ball). That idea got copied a "few" times. lol. Cars, computers, IPods, Facebook, MySpace, bowling balls... it happens all the time in business.

plus, I can take a crap in a ball and put a VG logo on it and call it a VG, but its not a VG. core numbers, surface texture ratings, surface makeup all make a ball unique. How many Infernos did Brunswick sell? 10ish?

again its just how companies compete with each other.
Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Staff(3 years)

Edited on 12/17/2010 12:23 PM

Bugsy Columbia 300

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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2010, 10:50:18 AM »
I want to state it clearly that I'm not on here to start anything and I'm not on here to stiffle any opinions... I just want to state the facts, but please by all means keep talking about the ball!

When presented with colors, I chose the most visually appealing... there is no question that this is a spectacular looking ball. If you've seen a VG in person you know that the swirl pattern is quite different.  This isn't a knock off, this ball is great looking and thats what I went for.

Performance wise, I never mention going after any other company or any other ball in any of the marketing. If I was going after something, you'd know about it. We tested this ball against A LOT of other product and still decided to print World Beater on it... It's that good.
Bugsy Kelly
Columbia 300 - Brand Manager


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2010, 10:52:31 AM »

You are such a dip$h!#

Someone better inform the Florida Gators I think they have stole the colors of the VG also,
Virtual Energy, and the use of the word energy, your so right but remember the use of the word energy in a KINETIC ENERGY, OMG they must have stole it from Track.

Get real douche bag the fact is everyone has good equipment right now and everyone is looking to have some nice colors and names. Last time i checked the name pool for bowling balls is getting pretty small, so go figure out a way to jerk off a storm ball since you think they are the cats nuts and get out of a forum where you have nothing of value to contribute.


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2010, 10:56:39 AM »
lol you all get your panties up in a bunch about the silliest things. You mean to tell me you've never seen two balls looks really similar? after a while you run out of what you can do with colors, and with every company producing 10 balls a year you run out quickly!

As far as storm not copying things....

they put mission in the name....the year the ebonite mission was made extremely popular.

Colors are bound to be similar....granted its a little early to almost copy the VG (they wont look exactly the same). Columbia never gets the same fine level of definitions between the colors that storm gets.

Also, orange, blue, and black is the single best color scheme I've ever seen in a bowling ball. The high contrast colors on opposite sides of the color wheel from each other are usually really good, but Purple+yellow and red+green just dont look as good as orange+blue.

Oh, and the storm natural color scheme looks just like the Brunswick Fury, and columbia scout urethane lol! By your argument storm shouldn't produce a black urethane ball because they are just trying to copy some of the best urethane balls ever made (black hammer and black rhino)


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2010, 11:29:49 AM »
Back to the ball, I think this ball looks like it has a lot of potential. I am excited to see a new core in a ball and a new cover. The properties of the ball sound good. With the Ransom and the Outburst, Burst and Freeze I think Columbia has one of the better line ups out there, even if they stole the colors and the world logo from a 10 year old ball. Maybe they should have used the picture of the world that was flat like, or is it just REVS who thinks the world is flat!! Its the world last time I checked it wasn''t copyrighted. Almost forgot that was his other awesome point LMFAO.

Edited on 12/17/2010 1:30 PM


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2010, 09:12:35 AM »
I want to state it clearly that I'm not on here to start anything and I'm not on here to stiffle any opinions... I just want to state the facts, but please by all means keep talking about the ball!

When presented with colors, I chose the most visually appealing... there is no question that this is a spectacular looking ball. If you've seen a VG in person you know that the swirl pattern is quite different.  This isn't a knock off, this ball is great looking and thats what I went for.

Performance wise, I never mention going after any other company or any other ball in any of the marketing. If I was going after something, you'd know about it. We tested this ball against A LOT of other product and still decided to print World Beater on it... It's that good.
Bugsy Kelly
Columbia 300 - Brand Manager

Really impressed with the new Columbia lines coming out Bugsy, keep em coming!
Matt Williams
Gator Pro Shop: June 04 - Present
Ebonite Staff(3 years)


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Re: Win the new HP release from Columbia 300 - World Beater.
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2010, 01:54:15 PM »
I hate the name but really like the ball. I think I may get one to go with my Complete Bedlam.