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Author Topic: WOW pearl vs. Track Threat  (Read 1315 times)


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WOW pearl vs. Track Threat
« on: February 25, 2004, 09:25:18 AM »
I'm looking into purchasing one of these balls and was curious if anyone out there owns or has thrown both of these.  i'm interested in your feedback on both and how they both roll.  i throw with quite a bit of speed and revs and see a wide variety of tourny play in college tourny's.  thank you

Edited on 2/26/2004 1:24 AM



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Re: WOW pearl vs. Track Threat
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 07:59:29 AM »
Have done up a bunch of Wow Pearls in our area and they have done well. They see to work well on heavy-mediums. Just like any pearl though they can ping corners if angle is wrong. They seem to react favorable to hand adjustments and good versatile ball. The threat goes much longer in my opinion and does a hard rush on the end. I believe this ball suits medium patterns better. Due to its length again angle is crucial to carry.

Due to the varability of people talking about conditiond this is my breakdown of patterns we see in our area and chracterization for equipment

Heavy oil - Dull particle or Dull agressive reactive
Med-heavy - particle both sanded or pearl, agressive to medium agressive reactive
Medium - med reactive shined or pearl reactive, agressive urethane
light-med - weaker pearl reactives, medium strength urethane polished or dull
light - very weak reactives, pancake weightblocks, polished urethane

Hope this can help a bit, again factors such as speed and revs also should play a part in your choice. The threat could cover a slightly heavier pattern with surface adjustment and high revs.


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Re: WOW pearl vs. Track Threat
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 11:24:37 AM »
I have one!!

It's big and good.

Right now in same class I like the Victory SPT better(same core!!) prettier and cleaner coverstock.

Also I like the Core Power LRG better.

I was going to change my Wow Pearl(not really a pearl in my book) to 1500 from 800 with polish and see if it gets cleaner in heads.

It is a ball that covers a lot of boards and hits if enough oil in heads!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana