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Author Topic: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge  (Read 1799 times)


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Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« on: April 15, 2009, 03:03:38 AM »
Went to grab my Wrath Dead Flush last night and noticed a crack. Starts from the left of the middle finger and continues above, all the way to the right of the ring finger. Never dropped the ball and always kept indoors.

What should I do? I got the ball last July and it's not my bench mark ball. I bought the ball online. Should I ask my proshop to see what they can do? Look for help from a C300 rep?



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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 11:15:44 AM »
It happens pretty often around the bridge with a number of different balls from every company..a pro shop can plug it up and redrill the fingers out, the ball may crack again around the plugging after a while, though. Some do and some don't.
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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 11:54:08 PM »
most common reason I have seen the cracking around the bridge are holes drilled to close together.  And no bevel placed at the top of the holes.  I have seen the bevel problem more with Columbia balls.  A pro shop can drill it out and re plug and drill your fingers out I have done this with 3 of mine. All 3 had no bevel done on the first drill

Yes I am a Lefty
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Highest series 718 done 4 weeks before shoulder surgery
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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 06:18:43 AM »
Like someone else said your pro shop guy might be able to drill it out and plug it but that's about it.. You didn't buy it from him, so he can't warranty it..

I have had a couple balls crack in that area and around the finger holes and not much you can do about it..

You can contact Columbia 300, but I don't see them replacing the ball..
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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 10:32:48 AM »
Went to grab my Wrath Dead Flush last night and noticed a crack. Starts from the left of the middle finger and continues above, all the way to the right of the ring finger. Never dropped the ball and always kept indoors.

What should I do? I got the ball last July and it's not my bench mark ball. I bought the ball online. Should I ask my proshop to see what they can do? Look for help from a C300 rep?

I have a silly question,  Why not contact the online dealer who you bought the ball from.  If it's under a year old, it should still be under warranty.

I know when people buy a ball from a pro shop and it cracks,  they usually bring it back as long as it is still in the warranty period...

Seems simple enough to me..  You buy something from someone.  If it is defective you bring it back. As long as it is still under warranty...

good luck


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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2009, 11:15:04 AM »
Went to grab my Wrath Dead Flush last night and noticed a crack. Starts from the left of the middle finger and continues above, all the way to the right of the ring finger. Never dropped the ball and always kept indoors.

What should I do? I got the ball last July and it's not my bench mark ball. I bought the ball online. Should I ask my proshop to see what they can do? Look for help from a C300 rep?

I have a silly question,  Why not contact the online dealer who you bought the ball from.  If it's under a year old, it should still be under warranty.

I know when people buy a ball from a pro shop and it cracks,  they usually bring it back as long as it is still in the warranty period...

Seems simple enough to me..  You buy something from someone.  If it is defective you bring it back. As long as it is still under warranty...

good luck

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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2009, 02:53:14 PM »
Yes, I should go back to the original place of purchase...but in a case like this, cracking around the it more of the manufacturer's problem or my driller's problem?


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Re: Wrath DF-->cracking around bridge
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2009, 04:06:04 PM »
Yes, I should go back to the original place of purchase...but in a case like this, cracking around the it more of the manufacturer's problem or my driller's problem?

If you use fingergrips your driller is between a rock and a hard place.  If he drills them too far apart, you'll complain.  If he drills them the standard 1/4 inch apart, then it voids the warranty.  The pro you use to drill your balls really should explain that to you before he drills it.  

I've repaired several balls with cracks around the fingerholes or a cracked bridge.  The ball has always worked fine after that with no problems or additional cracking.