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Author Topic: looking for a pro hook or prohook extreme  (Read 2819 times)


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looking for a pro hook or prohook extreme
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:48:48 PM »
long shot wanted looking for a pro hook or pro hook extreme  #15 or #16   

new would be wonderful  but single drill would work  gotta be something out there

any  info would be greatly appreciated  thanks
<font size="5"></font><font face="Script MT Bold"></font><font color="orange"></font>"THE ONE AND ORIGINAL CAPTAIN HOOK" NO IMITATIONS !!! <img border="0" align="center" src="/Forum/icon_smile_approve.gif"  alt="" /> 2002 MICHIGAN SCRATCH SINGLES CHAMPION<strong></strong>



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Re: looking for a pro hook or prohook extreme
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 10:29:22 AM »
theres a guy in Hawaii that has a single drill pro hook extreme  he wants a arm and a leg for it though  last i saw he was asking almost a grand for it   I asked him if he was crazy lmao  as far as I know he still has it   good luck finding another.  both of those balls was pretty great back in the day ;)
If you want it, go after it and make it happen.  If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourself....or maybe your just not throwing the right equipment  :)