The furor lately over lost messages gave me another idea. I'm mostly asking this of people who are familiar with the technical side of websites and computers. Would it help the speed or usage of this site if users who have registered and never post were deleted from the registry?
I look at the User List a lot, and there are hundreds, if not a thousand or more people who have been registered users of this site for a year or two or more and have NEVER posted ANYTHING. Their registration information is taking up space somewhere, and in many cases they are taking interesting usernames that would be freed up for someone to actually use if they were deleted. New users are forced into awkward names. If people who posted no activity within a year were deleted, some interesting usernames would become available.
Would doing this result in any more tangible benefit than just opening up some good names, or would any other benefit be negligible? Just wondering.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top