It has become quite apparent that there is a small group of users here using multiple fraudulent aliases here in a concerted effort to bring great harm and damage to the integrity and reputation of this great bowling information website.
I respectfully request that's Administration fully and effectively return to a sitewide enforcement of
Posting Rule #9 - Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.
I would however suggest that you modify this rule to allow a maximum of two user names for each account, one to be used for personal use and one for business related posts provided the party requesting the business related account offer sufficient proof to you that they actually own a bowling related business.
To any member of the site that agrees with this request, I ask you to simply respond to this thread with a response that states, "I fully agree with and support this request"
On Edit: I have sent a PM to Ballreviews informing them of this thread and asking them to act on it.
Update: I have heard back from Ballreviews and they have assured me that they are well aware of this problem and are working on providing a workable solution.
Sarcasm Disclaimer:"This post may contain sarcasm, things that look like sarcasm, and things that might be mistaken as sarcasm. My sarcasm is self-made at my environmentally friendly laboratory and no human or animal was harmed to create the sarcasm found within this post."
Unless, you were harmed. In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
Disclaimer provided by Jorge, Thanks.
Edited by Robadat on 1/8/2012 at 4:52 PM
Edited by Robadat on 1/11/2012 at 4:05 PM