I hope this doesn't get lost in the Forum doldrums here in Site Suggestions.
I've seen a bunch of folks with links in their sigs. Links to their latest for-sale post, links to other sites, links to the FAQ post, and so on. Some of them get quite long, longer than the screen width. It screws up the word-wrap for every post on the page, so that the posts are wider than the screen and to read them, one has to scroll left and right for each line. Very inconvenient.
I would like to see members that have long links in their sigs replace them with more concise links. If you don't know how to separate the link itself from the text you click on, it's real easy:
(url="http://biglonglink.com/something.asp?abunchofstuff=somethingelse+someotherparameter=hassomeothervalue")Click here(/url).
The "Click here" part gets turned into the clickable link, and the URL is hidden where it won't actually display in the post.
You can still make it big and garish so everyone will see, but it won't mess up word wrap because "Click here" has spaces in it while the big link doesn't.
Just a request.