Strider, the penalty can vary and we take into account things like the user's history, whether or not the post appears to be a heat of the moment type of thing or something deliberately breaking the rules, etc... Basically, it can be as simple as just having your post or topic disappear up to being banned (though banning is something we try to avoid unless absolutely necessary).
If you see a post that is breaking the forum rules bring it to the attention of BallReviews-scodaddy21 and he will deal with it as he sees fit.
If a topic has one or two posts that are breaking the rules we will usually just remove the posts but if the topic is steering too far off we will at times just remove the topic to avoid having to baby-sit the topic.
As for the Brunswick topic that Strider is referring to, I remember that one because I was the mod that went through and cleaned that one out. It took me a few hours just to clear it out and that was one of the topics that further cemented our decision to just remove some topics if we felt they were beyond clearing up.
BTW, you guys are welcome to pm me but ScoDaddy is on daily while I am not.