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Author Topic: Religious signatures  (Read 1393 times)

Greg T

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Religious signatures
« on: January 17, 2007, 02:19:26 PM »
There's a little unfairness floating in this forum. I have had to change my sig because some bible thumpers complained about it. My sig was not distastefull at all and only poked a little fun. But yet, I have to sit and look at those sigs that quote bible verses and BALLREVIEWS allows me to be offended. I think it's only fair that if I am not allowed to have anti-religious sigs (not nasty, only comical)then no one should be allowed to have pro-religious sigs either.

SIG CHANGED BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF WHINERS: Two lepers were playing hockey. They had a face off. Off-Ramp!           


leftehh- LG

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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 10:20:45 PM »
freedom of speech my friend.

what was your old sig?
Bowl to Win!

Edited on 1/17/2007 11:19 PM


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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2007, 10:27:46 PM »

It's not that your signature was "offensive"; it's that it was not very accurate. I'm sorry your opinion of a Christian is so skewed and you probably had bad experience with so-called Christians who don't even havce it right. I'm more offended by them than a petty slight.
No, my name is not Prince and I'm not particularly funky.

Greg T

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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2007, 10:38:34 PM »
My sig was a joke known as a one liner. It said: A christian, one so narrow minded he can see through a kehole with both eyes. Now, come on. Really? If thats worth complaining about someone has some real insecurity issues.

SIG CHANGED BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF WHINERS: Two lepers were playing hockey. They had a face off. Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2007, 10:52:01 PM »
My sig was a joke known as a one liner. It said: A christian, one so narrow minded he can see through a keyhole with both eyes. Now, come on. Really? If thats worth complaining about someone has some real insecurity issues.


I thought your old sig had something to do with ladies that are not so nice....yes/no?

I didn't complain but always wondered.  

I gotta wonder about the right wing Christian element as being just as offensive to me.  JMO.

I think 230 had it right in his last sig...."don't write a book in your sig and use up this sites bandwidth".  Keep it simple people.  That's what we have profiles for.....why foist off your beliefs on the bowling public....put it in your profile.....nobody reads those anyway unless you REALLY want to know some about somebody.



Greg T

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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2007, 10:55:56 PM »


I thought your old sig had something to do with ladies that are not so nice....yes/no?

I didn't complain but always wondered.  

I gotta wonder about the right wing Christian element as being just as offensive to me.  JMO.

I think 230 had it right in his last sig...."don't write a book in your sig and use up this sites bandwidth".  Keep it simple people.  That's what we have profiles for.....why foist off your beliefs on the bowling public....put it in your profile.....nobody reads those anyway unless you REALLY want to know some about somebody.


   Pretty much what I was thinking. My sig didnt have anything to do with ladies. I had exactly what I put in bold in the above post. All I'm saying is that I was stating my opinion in my sig and it offended someone. Well, I know of two religious sigs that offend me. But I guess I dont count. I must be the trouble maker.

SIG CHANGED BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF WHINERS: Two lepers were playing hockey. They had a face off. Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 07:37:22 AM »
I am a Christian, through and through....I take no offense to your sig, and actually thought it was witty. If we Christians are that touchy and can't let a guy express his opinion then we may need to look through that keyhole at ourselves. Now a comment taking the Lords name and bashing Him, then I would take a stand. Al

Greg T

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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2007, 08:11:22 AM »
I suspect that the only reason the sig got attention was it was on my posts.Had some else been donning that sig it would have gone unnoticed. And BALLREVIEWS doesnt have the common courtesy to answer my PMs about it. Anyone that had a problem with that sig has personal problems and I'm being singled out and blamed for them. If the whining crybabies would grow some nads they may be able to see some humor and take things a little more lightly.


SIG CHANGED BECAUSE OF A COUPLE OF WHINERS: Two lepers were playing hockey. They had a face off.

Edited on 1/18/2007 9:11 AM Off-Ramp!           


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Re: Religious signatures
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2007, 08:22:06 AM »
Actually, scott, I changed my sig specifically because nobody was listening/reading/obeying.  To list one's 27 ball arsenal is foolish.  Far stupider(love that non-word) than my current offering.   This one has already gotten me some derogatory pm's.  It'll take a while for me to bail on something so insignificant as a signature on a website.
I wake up in the morning and piss excellence.