Could the search function be updated to include searching the past 60, 120, 365, and entire database?
It looks like the options are present in the source code of the search page:
<td class="Content"><b>Search Days: </b></td>
<td class="Content"><select name="SearchDays">
<option value="-1" >Since past 1 day</option>
<option value="-2" >Since past 2 days</option>
<option value="-7" >Since past 7 days</option>
<option value="-14" >Since past 14 days</option>
<option value="-30" >Since past 30 days</option>
<!--<option value="-60" >Since past 60 days</option>
<option value="-120" >Since past 120 days</option>
<option value="-365" >Since the past year</option>
<option value="0" >Entire Database (slowest)</option>-->
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
"Hey Guero..." "Yeah, bro?" member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the now late user name buzzsaw16...back when I used nothing but Lane#1) 
Edited on 5/31/2005 2:33 PM