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Author Topic: Sport Psychology forum  (Read 1016 times)


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Sport Psychology forum
« on: September 24, 2007, 11:22:57 AM »
Bowling, and all sports in general, in the past 5-10 years have put a bigger emphasis on the mental game. When Norm Duke was asked in an interview "How much of the game is mental?", Duke replied, "Bowling is 100% mental".

How about create a forum that allows users to discuss their preshot routines, their ways for loosening up, and finding a groove so that users can find their own source of peak performance?
-Jeremy Vitug



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Re: Sport Psychology forum
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 07:07:58 PM »
I agree 100%!  Excellent suggestion!

How about a "Mental Game" forum!

Learning to use one's mind is the greatest source of improvement for most athletes; we tend to focus on our physical games, when the answer usually lies in our mind.  The mental game takes as much work to build as the physical game, if not more, so the sooner we get started, the better.