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Author Topic: Switching hands due to injury  (Read 5917 times)


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Switching hands due to injury
« on: October 02, 2016, 11:18:15 PM »
I recently have to change hands recently. It's been two weeks now i have been bowling.  First time bowled with a friend and shot 130 and above highest is 167.  For those of you had switch hands due to injury how long will it take to score in the 180s and above? Shot less a 100 like 3 times in the 90s.



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Re: Switching hands due to injury
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2016, 08:15:35 AM »
I haven't made the switch to left handed permanently, I started to work on it over the summer.  I noticed some aches and pains that are starting to linger more and more, so I figured it was best that I start working on bowling left handed and avoid having to make the switch cold turkey.

I averaged about 150-160 and that was bowling once a week, for a couple of months.  My guess is that it will take you a good chunk of a season to average 180+.  It might take you less or more time depending on how much you practice, take any lessons, and how quickly your muscle memory kicks in.

Hope this helps, good luck.


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Re: Switching hands due to injury
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2016, 01:49:09 PM »
This forum is actually for comments or suggestions on the ballreviews website.  You may want to repost this forum under Miscellaneous - Bowling Related.  Sorry for any confusion on this.