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Author Topic: Usernames & Idiots  (Read 940 times)

da Shiv

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Usernames & Idiots
« on: June 21, 2004, 05:24:34 PM »
Since the site has turned into kindergarten, I've lost interest.  

I'm going to go completely against the frequently expressed sentiment around here and say that the trouble--and decline--started with the establishment of the old "Anything Goes" forum.  That stupid forum allowed in the trash talking and puerile BS and in-joking that have come to dominate this site.  It was utterly predictable that the grade school lunchroom banter of that forum would not stay contained to that forum, but would spread the way lowest common denominator crap always spreads.  Scott Scriver did a pretty good job of policing things around here, and at that time bowling discussion was not only the reason for being on this site, it actually was what discussion was mostly about.  Now, sensible topics disintegrate into minimally decipherable grunts and farts filled with half-sentences, misspellings, internet abbreviations that substitute for the use of actual language, and in-jokes between kids that see each other physically everyday anyway and waste everyone's time in all the forums; frequently using multiple identities--the discussion of which is becoming a major topic in and of itself.

I've had it.  There is no sign of any kind of moderator around here, and the site desperately needs one.  I realize that there may be little that can be done about people using different computers and/or different email addresses to create multiple identities, but can't anything be done to weed out the garbage?  Is this site a one-man operation?  If so, it is clearly either being ignored or is simply to big a job for one person.  This site is still the best place I've found to get good, responsible, educated opinions about bowling; but it has gotten to be too hard to find it.  Plowing through the weeds to find the flowers is getting to be too much work.

I have a suggestion that would help a bit--in a small way--if it's even technically possible.  If it could be arranged that individual usernames could only be changed every 30 or 60 days, that would help.  The latest plague getting started around here is idiots who are changing their usernames everyday, which makes it seem like there are even more remedial dolts than there actually are.  This new game is speeding up the degradation of this site.  Since no one appears to be policing things around here, if this suggestion could be implemented, it would at least cut down some of the idiocy, and do so without the need for continuous monitoring.

In the meantime, I'm out of here.  See you in the fall...maybe.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 6/22/2004 8:24 AM
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top