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Author Topic: Anomaly  (Read 1822 times)


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« on: January 14, 2008, 12:02:54 PM »
I have a Dyno-Thane Anomaly. According to their web site oob is 1000 smooth. How do I get it to 1000 smooth? Use 1000 grit and rough buff or what. Thanks in advance.



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Re: Anomaly
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 09:42:40 PM »
Not Rough Buff. If you sand to 1000 grit and apply RB, it won't be 1000 grit any more.

Not sure how DT did it back then, but I'd just use either sandpaper backed by a damp spoonge plus plenty of water or a 1000 grit Abralon pad, soaked plus plenty of water.

If you anything to remove the sanding lines, it will no longer be 1000 grit. When you use a spinner and lots of water, it should be relatively smooth, 1000 grit is not rough.

If the sanding lines really, really bother you, you can use something like Ebonite's Matte finish compound. It is intended to finish a ball to 1200 grit, with abrasives in a liquid, almost like a liquid toothpaste. Use a cloth to apply it. 1200 is not far from 1000 grit and it will look smooth.
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Re: Anomaly
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 06:55:15 PM »
Thanks charlest,I knew that you were supposed to use 1000 grit but wasn't sure how to get it smooth. Thanks again.