O.K., time to flame me I guess, but I mix my own cleaner and it has worked quite weel for years, and yes, it has "illegal" ingredient in it that is highly diluted.
I make a mixture of 50% Isopropyl alcohol ( 91% type), 25% windex, and 25% pure ACETONE ( oops, theres that illegal substance ). I guess with the alcohol being only a 91% mixture itself, I actually end up with a 45 1/2% alcohol, 4 1/2% water, 25% windex, and 25% acetone.
I clean my equipment thouroughly after every set. I have used it on equipment from virtually every manufacturer at some point ( except lanemasters) with no ill effects and have had my equipment durometer tested to insure that there is no softening of the coverstock.
I have had great luck with this mixture and have found that, for me at least, it seems to extend the period between rejuvenations without losing performance. It doesn't dull polished surfaces, nor does it glisten up dull ones.
I don't use it during competition, only before or after.
P.S. I once brought a "dead" ball back to life using heat and Berryman's B12 chemtool to remove the excess oil and help dissolve it out of the heat opened pores. Granted, I had nothing to lose as the ball was absolutely dead, but this did work and I had the ball checked at the shop. The hardness was still fine and the surface held up fine to polish and use.
I'm really tired of the whining, so, JUST SHUT UP AND
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