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Author Topic: At home tricks  (Read 2554 times)


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At home tricks
« on: May 05, 2005, 11:28:04 AM »
Is there anything to do at home to restore some reaction to your bowling ball. I'm interested in hearing about warming or sweating a ball if anyone has some info on that as well. Thanks for the info.



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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2005, 07:36:18 PM »
Theres all kinds of methods really. One is to sit the ball in a bucket of kitty litter, completely covered, for about a week. It'll be dry as a bone when it comes out. Another is baking, but I dont really suggest this because it can cause cracking, and seperation. Me personally, I do the hot bath method. Run a hot bath. (but not so hot you can't put your hand in it. cuz if its that hot it'll crack it) Put some dish soap in it and get it sudsy a little bit. Set the ball in, let soak for about 30 minutes. Take the ball out, and wipe it off with a towel and cleaner. (i.e. simple green, orange clean, or any type of ball cleaner you have handy. I use orange clean and water 50:50 mixture)Drain about half the water, and run more hot water in it so it stays hot. Take out, wipe down. Continue doing this until no more oil comes out. (a tub might be a bit overkill though, waste of water. You can do it in your sink, or even just a bucket with hot water in it)
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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 08:53:11 PM »
My first try , I liked the best. Sit the ball on a rag, in a bowl in front of a sliding glass door ( or something like it) and wipe every 20-30 min, turn the ball just as you would the six step resurface method. 180/90/90/ 180 left or right /90/90. It takes a while, but if you're talking a day off or the off season, there's plenty of time.

If you really want to heat it up, cut out a large box, put a black plastic trash bag behind the ball  and tape it to the box. I don't care for the extra heat, but then again, I'm in Arizona and the sun through the sliding glass door is plenty.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2005, 03:01:25 AM »
I have used the electric oven with success at lowest possible temperature - which is C 50° (dunno what it is in Fahrenheit, sorry) and vented haet to get the ball heated from all sides. I put the ball on a grill just in the middle and let it heat up 10 mins. Then the oils starts oozing out, creating a surface glaze. I use either a micor bibre towel or paper tissues to wipe off the oil, grease and dirt and repeat this heating process 3-4 times until no more stuff comes to the surface. Thereafter I let the ball cool down and wipe off the surface either with a grease removing kitchen cleaner (Mr. Clean Orange by P&G is very good - but I am not sure if it is avaliable in the US?) or a special professional cleaner called "Melorud" for plastic window frames, which not only removes dirt of any kinds but also helps restoring the material.
With the oven you should take care that the ball does not change temprerature too fast! As TBK25 mentioned before, fast tempereture changes can cause cracks.

I have also tried the bucket method, which works fine, too, and should be the less risky approach. But again, do NOT pour boiling water into the bucket or shock the ball with cold water after it comes from the tub.

Putting the ball into plain sunlight works fine, too, but UV light can cause harm to the coverstock, making it brittle. I prefer putting the balls in some container and let this heat up with the balls inside. Takes a bit longer, but there is not the danger from direct sunlight. A car trunk works fine, too... As soon as the oil oozes out, wipe it off and repeat the process until nothing more comes out.
I'll try it next time with a black foil - when the weather is better around here.

Funny thing I found after de-oiling sessions is that the balls need some playing to get back to total strength again?! After 1-2 games they are back, and stronger than before.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2005, 10:24:09 AM »
Ah, found a conversion table: 50°C is about 120°F. I do not think that a ball should be heated to more than 140°F. Best bet is your own hand: whatever you cannot stand yourself, do not do to your balls...

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

Team "X" league website:

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe

Edited on 5/23/2005 10:16 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2005, 11:14:47 AM »
There are many threads on this...IMO..sunbaked the sun 20-30 min..wipe down, turn 90* repeat. One of the best "cheap at home" ways to get the oil out of a ball.

Many may differ with this method, so be it, just a cheap at home way that works for me.

I am one that NEVER suggests to oven bake a ball....just my opinion.

Good Luck
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: At home tricks
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2005, 01:31:01 PM »
If you really want to heat it up, cut out a large box, put a black plastic trash bag behind the ball and tape it to the box. I don't care for the extra heat, but then again, I'm in Arizona and the sun through the sliding glass door is plenty.

ook ack! Arizona?  wouldn't that a way to make a 16lb frisbee?

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