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Author Topic: Beans Polish-ridiculous  (Read 1533 times)


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Beans Polish-ridiculous
« on: June 04, 2007, 10:09:57 AM »
I just tried Beans Secret Sauce I tried it on my Radical and my Thunderstruck solid both balls look like MARBLES now.   I will throw them both tomorrow in League but if they roll anything like they look this stuff will be unreal



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Re: Beans Polish-ridiculous
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2007, 11:09:19 AM »
I just polished my Cobalt Pearl with it. Looked very shiny.

I threw it on a 41' sport shot that day, and didn't really see any difference in the reaction or carry, but the shot is so absurd that it doesn't matter what you throw on it really.

I got a chance to throw it on the house shot yesterday and I was amazed. I'm going to be buying some.

To give you an idea, the house shot is on synthetics that favor straight up 5-10. As a power-tweener, I could never swing the shot out too much. Once I had the polish on, I had thrown some balls wide by accident by opening my shoulders and the ball came back. It's a fairly broken in ball so it lost some back end. The polish seems to have brought it back.

It also seems to have filled in the pores nicely. It doesn't seem to soak up oil or bleed it as much.

Cobalt Bomb Solid
Cobalt Bomb Pearl x2
Tsunami H2O
