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Author Topic: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!  (Read 3901 times)


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UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« on: March 09, 2007, 04:09:50 AM »
So I finally got my parcel... Thanks Mr Beans for the fast delivery (mind that I am here in Germany!)

So I had to try it on my XXXL... Plastic... ever polished a plastic? NO! Try and you will see these babies are very hard to polish by hand... well. Here we go:

I first made a picture (all picture-links are high resolution! I also put some link for a small version for the people with small bandwith!):
This is the Trackarea... very worn!

Then I took a grey pad and dulled the ball to 800grit:


Then I took a small piece of cotton cloth and dripped some polish on it and move in circles over the ball till I saw no more white polish but water... another drop and so on... till I got around the whole ball... then I used a dry piece of cloth to repolish it "dry".

Redid the first thing dripping polish on the cloth and moving circlevise over the ball.. till I was satisfied with the result.,

Here's a small picture of the two pieces of cloth (these were totaly clean before use!)
the left one I use with the fresh polish... the right I use for cleaning - dry-polishing

Then I took some special time for the track area... this is the most worn part of the ball and I hoped to get it shiniy again... didn't work that good... a picture of the ball (not the track area!):

Needless to say the ball is shiny like a mirror (except the trackarea ... I'll have to redo that area again).

And I never ever have achieved that result with the polish I used till now!


It took quite a while and some muscle to get the ball into a shiny condition but it really is now! (not the track area but I knew that before) BUT it didn't take more efford than with the other polish I used before... but with a better result in "shinyness".
So what is so special about Bean's mixture? I don't know..

I haven't use many polishes... I mainly use normal polish for plastic glas I bought in the supermarket and that worked... BUT that stuff is strong... really strong - it "smells" or rather "burns" its way right up into the brain. BAH!

Not Bean's mixture... that stuff doesn't smell at all! and I also found no negative effect on the hands thay just got a bit dry from the abrassive..

though I am a bit dissapointed cause it really is more of a liquid/milk than a paste (what I expected but I guess I used around 0.5 oz on the whole ball and I used a lot of it... and most of it is still on the cloth... so if it is true that adding some water will do the trick...                                            well it's fine with me to use a milk like liquid... but I like paste more... stiks on the ball better )                                                                                                                                                

Bean's sauce was as good if not better as the strong chemistry I normaly use... with even better result. There is some abrassive in the polish (I can feel it with the hand) but that is a very high grit...

What to do with the other two bottles of polish Mr Bean? I know I won't need much of that stuff and the 8oz will take some time till they're gone...

Good stuff Bean! But now I don't know what to do with the other bottles... well I guess I will "spill" the stuff around my friends and ebay...

AH! almost forgot... I will update once I used the ball how it runs down the lane now and how long the ball will stay in it's condition. (I know it is worn badly but works like hell for me... it also is just one year old... .. )
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Check out my Vid in my profile.. just short clips cut together about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)

Edited on 3/9/2007 1:20 PM


I was bored and couldn't resist to do a little experiment...

So I took a bottle with a spray aplicator (like used for window cleaner) filled ot with water...
I took the piece ot cloth I used yesterday to polish my XXXL... now totaly white with polish and just dripped another drop - JUST ONE DROP - in the middle of it and started polishing my already polished Tsunami...


As soon as the cloth got a bit dry I just sprayed a bit water in/onto the middle of it and proceded...

And what should I say... the polish worked! So the amount I used yesterday for a whole ball and the one drop I but on the already used cloth was enough to polish my Tsunami...

with the same result as for my XXXL! shiny as a mirrow!

tomorrow I will use the ball in league... I didn't want to polish it... cause - never change a running system - but the lanes get dry rather quick and I hope to get a bit of lenght out of the Tsunami with a stronger backend... if not... I always carry a gray pad with me...

tomorrow I'll write how the two balls worked as these are my only ones at the moment (I only own three bowling balls - yes! there are people with less than four balls!  !!! LMAO !!!- and my Carbide+ is at the proshops right now..)

So wish me luck and hopefully the Two Will do their work. If not - ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! BEANS! (just jokin'!)

Edited on 3/10/2007 1:13 PM



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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 11:00:57 PM »
It wont be tacky because it is plastic...
Good job and thanks for the pics. Very well done. I would suggest a good resurface job.
Then look out.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 09:44:26 AM »
I applied the Sauce to two balls.  A Dynothane Thing and a Lane#1 Tsunami.  Both balls were first cleaned and sanded (6 sides) to 600 grit.  The Sauce was applied with a damp cloth.  Here is a picture if any one is interested.  Hopefully I will get some lane time this weekend to throw the treated balls against some other balls to get a general feel for how the polish acts.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2007, 10:56:23 AM »
It wont be tacky because it is plastic...
Good job and thanks for the pics. Very well done. I would suggest a good resurface job.
Then look out.
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!

OH! It is tacky.... on the track area whre it is dull that is why the ball is working so well...
On the shiny arears where no scars and scratches are the ball is really slip-y-y

But I'll see how the ball works tomorrow in the league.

Polish works great!
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Check out my Vid in my profile.. just short clips cut together about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2007, 12:16:34 PM »
Got bored....


I was bored and couldn't resist to do a little experiment...

So I took a bottle with a spray aplicator (like used for window cleaner) filled ot with water...
I took the piece ot cloth I used yesterday to polish my XXXL... now totaly white with polish and just dripped another drop - JUST ONE DROP - in the middle of it and started polishing my already polished Tsunami...


As soon as the cloth got a bit dry I just sprayed a bit water in/onto the middle of it and proceded...

And what should I say... the polish worked! So the amount I used yesterday for a whole ball and the one drop I but on the already used cloth was enough to polish my Tsunami...

with the same result as for my XXXL! shiny as a mirrow!

tomorrow I will use the ball in league... I didn't want to polish it... cause - never change a running system - but the lanes get dry rather quick and I hope to get a bit of lenght out of the Tsunami with a stronger backend... if not... I always carry a gray pad with me...

tomorrow I'll write how the two balls worked as these are my only ones at the moment (I only own three bowling balls - yes! there are people with less than four balls!  !!! LMAO !!!- and my Carbide+ is at the proshops right now..)

So wish me luck and hopefully the Two Will do their work. If not - ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! BEANS! (just jokin'!)
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Check out my Vid in my profile.. just short clips cut together about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)

Edited on 3/10/2007 1:15 PM


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2007, 11:26:30 AM »
Played both balls in league today with good results... played good.

Balls got a bit more lenght.. oiling was med-heavy oil.. almost heavy... too heavy for my Tsunami with its rather weak and long drilling... and polished
But hey that is exactyl what I wanted from the polish... I just didn't have my heavy oil ball at hand... whatever..

Sumup and final sentence:

Polish works great and is easy to apply... not harmfull .. not stinkin' .. working very well even by pure hand and muscle "Use"...

"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Check out my Vid in my profile.. just short clips cut together about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 08:54:14 PM »
I don't know if this is the best place to put this, but since I made a comment earlier...

I wasn't very impressed with the Sauce at first.  The two balls acted like pearl urethanes with a slipping agent applied - a lot of length and very little back end.  Bean's thought some of the old bottles may not have mixed properly, so he sent me another to try.  I've had it for a few weeks, but haven't had the time to try it.  I took one of the same balls I tried it on earlier (Thing), sanded 2 sides to 600 grit (Bean's recommendation) and applied the Sauce on my spinner.  It looks about the same as before, maybe a bit shinier, and average tack.  I'm taking the Thing to my league tomorrow.  I'm also taking a ball that was stronger and one weaker than the Thing with it's original (pre Bean's Sauce) cover stock prep, so it should be a good test.  If I don't get enough time in warm up to give it an honest chance, I'll bowl a few games afterwards to see how it reacts.  Good or bad, I'll post a review tomorrow night or Wednesday.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2007, 09:57:16 PM »
If your bowling good would try a new product? just a ?


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2007, 11:59:22 PM »
If your bowling good would try a new product? just a ?

Wouldn't that be the best time?  


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2007, 08:37:49 AM »
Exactly.  You never know if something better exits until you try.  Even if I don't like it, it's a quick and free fix to return the ball to original.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: UPDATE!!!! Bean's Secrect Sauce on my XXXL - TSUNAMI ALSO!
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2007, 12:13:58 AM »
What I meant was, it would seem to be better to try something new when you are in a groove so you can tell exactly how the product compares.  If you try it when you are struggling (erratic), you wont know if it is you or the product that is giving you different results.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"
I just want 2C was'zzub.

Before you ask - Please check this:  BR FAQ
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.