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Author Topic: Beans Secret Sauce Review  (Read 4349 times)


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Beans Secret Sauce Review
« on: March 07, 2007, 12:58:42 AM »
ok here is my review.  been playing with different grits and the Beans polish.  first off the equipment used:
Hammer Toxic-pin 4" to pap(next to ring finger) x-hole 1" down from pap
Columbia Action Max-pin up 4 1/2" to pap, x-hole 1" down from pap

ok was bowling on typical fresh house shot.  Toxic in oob was hitting 13 at arrows, break point was 5-flush shot.  took the polish off and added Beans sauce, first shot went straight and clipped the 10pin...ok threw another, same result.  so took the Toxic down to 1000 abralon and added beans polish....same result as first try.  so i figured maybe i used too much pressure and polish, so lets try again at 1000 abralon with just a light polish of the beans sauce.
this time the Toxic moved a little hitting the 3-6.  bagged the Toxic and went to the Action Max.

Action Max was at 1000 abralon no polish and was playing 15 at arrows and 7 was break point, nice smooth arc.  threw beans polish on it, result was ball went straight taking out 6-10.  wow i thought this stuff is potent not like the reviews i read.  so thinking i was doing something wrong i had my boss(pro shop owner) take the ball down to 500 abralon.  threw a few balls at that grit and was playing 18 to 10, ball was hooking way too much.  so had him throw a light polish of beans on.  out to the lanes i go and was going to play the 15-7 line, this time it hooked a little, but still wasnt in the pocket.  made a couple of moves, ended up having a good shot playing straight up 7, with a nice gradual hook to the pocket.  thinking maybe it needs to get a track in it i proceeded to bowl 3 games.  all 3 were playing straight up 7 with the last game moving left a little.  polish never tracked out.

went back to the shop and took the Action Max and Toxic to the spinner to put back to OOB surface.  threw 1 coat of magic shine on both and went back to the lanes.  Toxic first....was gonna play 13 to 5. ball went a tad further(figured because of fresh polish) but had a snap in the back and carried the light hit.  after a game on the toxic i had a great shot 13 to 5 with a good snap on the backend.  threw the Action Max a few times on same line and was high flush & through the nose.

so my conclusion is that although the Beans polish was easy to put on and shine up, it was potent as heck.  even with a light coat on.  maybe i got a bad batch?  i dont know, just know what the test results were on my bottle of Beans.
it made both balls go long and keep going.  funny side note is before my boss new i was doing a comparable test on both polishes, he thought i was practicing ten pins.  i said no im not, just testing out this new polish. and his eyes opened up huge and he said DAMN...LOL

will try again this weekend with different set-ups and maybe a vid.



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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 11:25:07 PM »
There is absolutely NO slip agents of any kind in my polish.(INCLUDING SILICONE) There is also NO gimmick additives to it. The "Secret Sauce" Name came from a customer that saw me adding it on a ball from a Ketchup bottle and said" What is that...Your Secret Sauce!!"

This is the first review of this kind from my polish.. It is almost impossible to make a bad batch. Not enough components to screw up.

What size bottle was it?
What surface were you bowling on??

Your info can help me advance future products.  Thanks  Beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 08:08:09 AM »
my review of the Beans Secret Sauce was just that, a review.  i did not nor do i intend to give Beans a bad rap.  the lanes i was on for that particular review was synthetic heads & wood.  all i am trying to do is give my review of a product that many have said good things about.  i bought a 320z bottle with the hopes of using it in the pro shop, but until i can find a happy medium with the polish, it will just be used on my balls and experiments.  i would be ashamed to put it on a customers ball just to have it go straight, and end result being an irate customer.

my second half of my review will be this weekend.  as i am going to try a very, very light coat with very little pressure to see what results i get.  maybe because im a high tracker that it goes straight? i dont know and i am going to find out why.  ive heard nothing but good reviews and i want to give it the chance it deserves.  i maybe putting too much polish on?  who knows, but i do know that the product is easy to put on and a nice shine to boot.  one mans opinion of alot and a little is different.  a dull shine to me may be a shine to others.  that is why i said i would do another review to give it a chance.  not once in my review did i state it was a bad product, and if it came off that way, i apologize to Beans.

like i said this stuff goes on easy and i may be putting too much polish on. so i am going to give it another review and post results this weekend.  im having a Dynothane Ne10 punched up along with possibly Scorchin Inferno, and i figured i would give the polish a try on those balls.  once again i apologize to Beans if you thought i was giving you a bad rap.  just want you to know that, and that another review is in the works, to give the product the chance and credit it deserves.



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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 02:31:23 PM »
I think it might be good for my spare ball, I keep missin those ten pins!


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 02:47:57 PM »
I think it might be good for my spare ball, I keep missin those ten pins!

Throwing the ball into the gutter... how will the polish help ther?

Well I know what you mean.. if the lanes were fried I also got into a problem there ... but I changed my style to get 0 revs on the ball if needed... works marelous... evne the strongest reactive now can reach the 10..

Back to business:

I have ordered some of Bean's Sauce, too, Once it gets here I will try this polish on my already polished Tsunami that has really good lenght... lets see if this baby then slips throu
Also the XXXL I throw as 10pin-kill and that ball has got a bit dull very quickly and it hooks really good... maybe the polish will help to shift the breakpoint further down the lane with a bit more backend? We'll see...

I'll write a review.
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Check out my Vid in my profile.. just short clips cut together about how I bowled and how I play today

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 04:55:17 PM »
I am not irrate or do I think I got a bad rap. You stated in the message to me that you used an old pad from your car wax kit...Was it brand new or used?? I am just curious because this is the first review of this nature. If possible, can you post a vid of the before and after shots. Also can you also video the application of the product??  For your time I will send you a few items I am testing...Sanding sheets and other polishes.  Thanks for the honest reviews. That is all I want from people.  Thanks  beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce Review
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 12:07:52 AM »
Coming very soon will be a new innovative Bowling Ball polish I have developed called "The Magic Dust".............

You have the "Secret Sauce" already getting rave reviews on it's ease of use and quick results.

The Magic Dust is a high grade polish in powder form that is a little more coarse than the "SECRET SAUCE".... BUT it will work with the same great results and will be just as easy to use.

The "Magic Dust" will come in a 12 oz. Bottle with a pour spout for easy and controlled pouring. You just add water or your favorite liquid ball cleaner or even a combination of both to the "DUST" and


You have an AMAZING Ball Polish that will make you say.....WOW!!!

The price will be cheaper than the "SECRET SAUCE" as well because of the cheaper shipping costs. Keep checking for updates and availability.

Thanks Beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own