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Author Topic: Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?  (Read 2183 times)


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Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?
« on: February 16, 2006, 03:23:25 AM »
I just received a quart of Clean/Sheen Restorer by UPS today.
I've never used C'nS before.
I read the label, and it states that it leaves a less tacky finish, and give more length to the ball.

I'm thinking of using it on Storm HRPSP, after I take the cover down to 600 grit...How much length will C'nS give the ball, comared to Clean & Polish?
Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

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da Shiv

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Re: Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 02:45:05 PM »
Charlest will probably reply with more details, but here's some info.  Clean'N'Sheen is not exactly a polish, but kind of a sanding compound that is supposed to remove sanding lines and give you about a 1000 grit finish.  Clean'N'Polish IS a polish, and purportedly gives you a 5000 finish--which I'm inclined to believe.  I get the highest shine I've ever seen from Clean'N'Polish.  I've never used a ball that had Clean'N'Sheen as it's final step of surface prep, but I have used balls with Clean'N'Polish as a final step.  I would say that you would get a LOT more length out of a ball finished with Clean'N'Polish.

Of course, if you didn't go through all the intermediate steps leading up to 5000, you would get less length after using it.  I'd say, though, that if you had similar balls with about the same dull surface and you used Clean'N'Sheen on one and Clean'N'Polish on the other, you'd still get noticeably more length out of the one with Clean'N'Polish.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 2/16/2006 3:31 PM
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 02:59:39 PM »
Excaliber already replied to this thread; so I saw no reason to. Where did his reply go OR

Duke, did you post this in 2 forums??

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J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2006, 03:15:20 PM »
Charlest will probably reply with more details, but here's some info.  Clean'N'Sheen is not exactly a polish, but kind of a sanding compound that is supposed to remove sanding lines and give you about a 1000 grit finish.  Clean'N'Polish IS a polish, and purportedly gives you a 5000 finish--which I'm inclined to believe.  I get the highest shine I've ever seen from Clean'N'Polish.  I've never used a ball that had Clean'N'Sheen as it's final step of surface prep, but I have used balls with Clean'N'Polish as a final step.  I would say that you would get a LOT more length out of a ball finished with Clean'N'Polish.

Of course, if you didn't go through all the intermediate steps leading up to 5000, you would get less length after using it.  I'd say, though, that if you had similar balls with about the same dull surface and you used Clean'N'Sheen on one and Clean'N'Polish on the other, you'd still get noticeably more length out of the one with Clean'N'Polish.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 2/16/2006 3:31 PM

da Shiv,

I've been using the HRPSP at 600 grit on a house shot with Clean & Polish, and the ball goes a bit to long. On a Sport Shot I use it at 1000 grit Abralon w/o polish. The ball works fine on the Sport Shot...I took it down to 600 grit (Green SB), and cleaned the ball thoroughly, put a coat of Clean
N Sheen on it, and will see what it does on carry-down heaven tonight. The house only strips on Monday... Our lanes are used by handicap ramp bowlers on Tuesday & Wednesday...a challenge to say the least.
Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

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Re: Clean 'N Sheen Restorer?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2006, 03:17:20 PM »
Excaliber already replied to this thread; so I saw no reason to. Where did his reply go OR

Duke, did you post this in 2 forums??

"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien

I posted it in both forums...
Carl answered the question... I was running out of time, I had to get the ball in shape for bowling tonight.

Thanks for the response, anyhow.
Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynijf unir cevinpl!