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Author Topic: Best Bowling Polish for Visionary  (Read 5570 times)


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Best Bowling Polish for Visionary
« on: May 20, 2012, 02:58:07 PM »
What is the best polish to put in my visionary products ?
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Re: Best Bowling Polish for Visionary
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2012, 03:32:15 PM »
There is no best.
There are what's considered abrasive polishes and non-abrasive ones. What is almost more important than the actual polish is the grit level you put under the polish, which can vary, in general, from 500 grit to 4000 grit, with 1500 & 2000 being themost common.

Personally, I'd recommend Valentino's Snake Oil as one of the best non-abrasive polishes and Storm's Xtra Shine as one of the best abrasive polishes, with Powerhouses Factory Finish polish as one of the best in-between levels.

If you use bowling ball specific polishes, there's hardly any you can go wrong with. There are even some intended for cars, like 3M Finesse-IT that will also work well. Do not use anything with the word wax or silicone in it as you will soon convert your resin ball into a urethane or even a polyester ball, with respect to ball reaction.
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Re: Best Bowling Polish for Visionary
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2012, 08:01:51 AM »
Second that - it's trial and error what works best for you, yours style and the local conditions. I have tried Lanemasters' polish, Brunswick's High Gloss and also 3M's Finesse-It on VPP stuff, all works fine but yields slightly different results.

Anyway, I'd highly recommend Finesse-It on anything that has to go long but still keep up good traction at the break point, because it leaves a shiny surface without any wax or silicone. A bottle is pricey, yes, but the results are convincing!

Just stay away from car or boat hull polishes or rubbing compounds, because they contain wax, silicone and other stuff that clogs the pores of a resin ball. This can be helpful if you are rev-dominant, but you more or less kill the ball and its coverstock technology.
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany