Things to try...
a) Add side roll, will make it skid longer, but you sacrifice break point control.
b) Break back your wrist.
c) Add speed.
d) add axis tilt, so that the track lowers and the ball will, by tendency, also go longer and not move that much (IMHO for experienced users only, needs training)
a) Add polish. Hopefully, it gets the ball fruther down the lane but can also make it even more itchy at the breakpoint!
b) try a rougher grit. Sounds counter-productive, but in some cases a less fine surface might even out the overall reaction - I had this with a Pure Hammer. With polish, the ball hooked as if crazy, but at 1500 grit it became a still hooking-happy but easier tio control piece
c) add a flare-reducing hole above your PAP
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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