Do not do anything to a bowling ball that your bare hand cannot stand. Dishwasher might be fine, but check the water temp, it should not be boiling hot. Hot tap water is a good temp benchmark, and safe, if you use it in a bucket and some drops of detergent to crack the oil when it oozes out of the coverstock, and you might repeat the process if need be.
Just do never put a bowling ball into an oven, because you cannot control the heating well - it comes only from one side/source, so you easily create tension between the ball's components. The charm of hot water is that it evens out the heat distribution and prevents over-heating.
Only thing that might occur is that some coverstocks change color - "bleaching". But this does not affect performance, and if you later put some polish back onto the ball or when it absorbs oil again, it should get back to normal looks.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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