The 3m stuff works pretty good. Having diff. compounds for polishing cars after paint work I've tried a few. The "finesse it" works good but I preferred the "perfect it" line. The problem with these newer 3m products, on cars anyways, is that they worked better with a foam waffle pad compared to wool pads. I have actually used my buffer at 2000 RPM on a ball. No easy task. There is also a 3M heavy duty compound used for cutting oxidation. this is great for using like liquid sand or for polishing 600(if you were to do that)
Because of the cost I lookd into other types of products. I bought this assortment from a guy on E-bay. It came with five one quart bottles. 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 3000. 25.00 for all. It seems to work pretty good. I have the vertex spinner and because it is not as fast, the polish seems to need to be "degreed" or started lower than the finishing grit and then built up. If I had a faster spinner I dont think it would be a problem. Havent tried it with a buffer though. I have his contact info to get more if you want it.