if you want your ogre ss at 2000 abralon no polish there are a number of ways to get "there".
FIRST: there is no correct way
SECOND: there are a few ways that are known to work and achieve different reactions.
one way is to START at 500 abralon then 1000, 2000.(4 sides each grit seems to be the norm) which should yield a good reaction. this is ebonite's way to achieve the OOB reaction on their dull equipment.
another way that was just discussed is to START at 320/360 abralon, lightly use 500 abralon, then skip straight to the last grit you want to ball at (2000). this should achieve the most traction overall due to the lower grit scratches not being smoothed out by many steps of grits.
OR you could just sand with 2000 grit right now. but while this WILL work... the ball will not be as strong as it could be.
I have my ogre ss at 320 then 500 then to 4000. but i havent thrown it yet (will tommorow in league) so if you wanna wait ill let you know how it reacts. (this is storm/rotogrips way)
the message that it seems TO ME that we are seeing from manufacturers is that its important to start at a low grit in order for the ball to have good traction in oil. i never used to do it and my balls did skid more then you would assume from looking at how dull they were.
im sure charlest will help to explain his thoughts as well. but ive learned most of this info from him
Visionary Test Staff 08/09
all visionary this year
ogre ss
glad. pearl