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Author Topic: Beans Secret Sauce...  (Read 9113 times)


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Beans Secret Sauce...
« on: September 28, 2007, 11:09:35 AM »
I got my sample late last week and have been using it all week...and have been crushing the house...I got it on my Absolute Inferno and started one game out with the front 9 (threw the last ball away) shot 279 with the same ball today...not to mention a 300 with my TNV today as well.

Doing my own surface prep I seriously have NEVER seen a ball with more shine then  what this stuff can give, its sick...all I got to say is if you need polish get this stuff, its kind of "underground" and I think that should change.

Look, I have no connection with this company (I know this sounds like a commercial) but love their product, but nobody else knows about it except those that are always looking for a better way to do surfaces.



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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 07:39:47 PM »
Thanks again!!
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2007, 06:36:17 AM »
Received my "Sauce" tonight and all I can say is wow!

I have used a lot of polishes in my time, and use a lot of them. Comes from bowling on dirt and running a shop.

Bean's Sauce would be BY FAR the best, easiest polish I have used. Green pad to mirror finish in 30 secs, with the bonus of still having the lines underneath. When I say mirror finish, I mean it!

Will give it the ultimate test at the weekend. How will it do on an AMB Particle and a Slate Gargoyle!

Reaction wish.... awesome. Not as squirty as Brunswicks High Gloss, which I have been using for some time, but no problems clearing the heads at all.

To all the doubters out there, trust us.... TRY IT!
Andrew Phillips

The Tenpin Bowling Discount Store - Moonah Bowl

Team Bowling Balls Australia - Visionary Staff

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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2007, 08:50:54 PM »
so you applied the polish using a 600 grit scotch brite and it shined up? WOW!
playing with track this year,Phenom,Mean machine,power machine and Inertia.(opps,bought a Columbia ball)what's up with that?it's all Ebonite
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2007, 08:52:50 PM »
so you applied the polish using a 600 grit scotch brite and it shined up? WOW!

I believe he means the polished OVER the finish left behind by the 600 grit scotchbrite.
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2007, 09:22:35 PM »
JMac... that's correct.

Was too excited to type properly!

I reckon it probably would shine a ball being applied with a green or grey pad though.. lol
Andrew Phillips

The Tenpin Bowling Discount Store - Moonah Bowl

Team Bowling Balls Australia - Visionary Staff

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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2007, 09:56:56 PM »
I was just wondering if this was some type of new cover prep process.
playing with track this year,Phenom,Mean machine,power machine and Inertia.(opps,bought a Columbia ball)what's up with that?it's all Ebonite
The harder I try the harder they fall


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2007, 02:44:54 AM »
Got me thinking now...

Will test it at the shop in the morning
Andrew Phillips

The Tenpin Bowling Discount Store - Moonah Bowl

Team Bowling Balls Australia - Visionary Staff


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2007, 07:05:30 PM »
Well... what can I say.

Played around a little more yesterday with the sauce, and I'm even more impressed.

First test... AMB Particle. Sanded back to 220 to renew the particles then taken up to a green pad. Hit it 4 sides with the sauce and got the highest shine I ever have got on it. Of course, there is no way you'll get a mirror finish on this ball, due to the texture, but it has definately got a high gloss.

Test 2... how low a grit can you go and still get a mirror finish? Got my old Executioner and sanded with 220! HIt it 4 sides with the sauce, and BAM! Can see myself in it but can still see the lines underneath it. Most balls I have tried to polish with a surface that dull loot freakin ugly, but in all honesty, this still looks great. The lines don't stand out like a dogs package, but if you look close, you can see them. only polished for about 30secs on each side too.

Nest test will be to see how they roll... Will do that during the week, as it's a waste of time doing that here on a weekend.
Andrew Phillips

The Tenpin Bowling Discount Store - Moonah Bowl

Team Bowling Balls Australia - Visionary Staff


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2007, 02:30:51 PM »
If you get the sanding lines looking white from the polish. Just use a little Oil Off on the ball when it is done and the lines should clean up. Any cleaner or alcohol will usually clean out the sanding lines.  beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Buzzhead
Thanks for reading and be sure to check out my current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2007, 11:00:21 AM »
I ordered the free sample today.  Will post a review when I've tried it.  --  JohnP


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Re: Beans Secret Sauce...
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2007, 09:21:21 PM »
I dreamed of a polish that could give me a finish that could fill a range of needs - from slick for straight balls to various grades of tack for hook balls.

Slowly but surely my experience with The Sauce is accumulating.  My experience was that this polish produced a consistently tacky high shine.  I gave an ounce to my driller to try...His results opened my eyes to the versatility of this polish.

His first 4 balls produced the expected super shine; however, each ball demonstrated less hook.  I was surprised.  All of my balls demonstrated a very strong hook with the Sauce.  He said that he did not prep any of the balls because he was not asked to do any prep - they asked for more shine and the Sauce gave every ball a super shine.  He applied the Sauce over various states of factory finish.

I wanted to see if I could duplicate his results because I generally get more hook than I want.  I already had the sauce on my Inertia - 400 grit applied sparingly to 6 sides.  My ball reaction was smooth and strong.
I lightly surfaced the ball to 400 again and reapplied the Sauce.  This time
I saturated the applicator and applied until the polish was dry - developing high heat, and a mirror shine.  I did 4 sides.  The finish was much less tacky.
On the lanes I had about 5 boards less hook.

My trials will continue, but, right now I feel like The Secret Sauce could be - the universal polish - A super product that might help straight balls go really straight when applied heavily with high heat... or for reactive balls, a very tacky super shine with strong hook when the Sauce is applied sparingly with low to medium heat, or less tacky when applied heavily with high heat.  

I would like to know if others are finding this same versatility.