I am curious about your thoughts and experiences with pin axis drilled balls. What surface works best for you? I have two balls each drilled pin to pap 1 inch. One is a Roto Neptune and the other is a Mystic. I have always kept these shined up because my thoughts were that with the early flare from this drill might cause them to burn up too early, causing bad carry. I know the volume of oil present is a huge factor here, so lets assume a medium THS condition.
With the polished surface on these balls I sometimes have a problem getting them to finish, resulting in light hits, however I am a big fan of this drilling because of how easy it is to find the pocket when other more aggressive balls/drillings are over under or erratic at the breakpoint. Has anyone had success with a more aggressive surface on an axis drilling.
Inertia-Black Widow-Machine-Power Machine-Mystic-Desert Heat-Neptune-Plastic