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Author Topic: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!  (Read 3349 times)


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I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« on: April 04, 2006, 01:43:07 PM »
Ok, ok.  Enough of the giggling.  I decided to give the hot water treatment to a Total Annihilation with around 45-50 games on her that had developed that subtle glaze over the coverstock.  Why, you might ask?  Partially because I'm bored.  Partially because I'm curious.  Yet another part of hoped to ruin this ball forcing me to look for another solid reactive non-polished ball for oily/heavy carrydown conditions.  I used extremely hot tap water, a little Simple Green and a little Dawn dishwashing detergent.  The results?  Wonderful.  The ball looks and reacts like it did just a few months ago when she was new.  It really hadn't lost a lot of backend reaction but you could tell the coverstock had soaked in plenty of conditioner that we're lucky enough to encounter up here in God's country.  I'm able to count the eight to ten huge rings of oil around the ball making a bowtie that could barely fit Michael Clarke Duncan's neckline.  Here's a success story for routine bathing as a method of coverstock maintenance for the Morich/Brunswick/Lane #1 faction.  Now, the real question.  How can I convince my wife that this ball is ruined and I have to buy something else?  Tune in next time when I start a new thread entitled, "Divorce attorney retainers-What's fair?"
House Hack.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  And, according to my therapist, that's not so bad.

If nothing is what the situation mandates, I'm the man for the job.


Doc Hollywood

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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 08:28:34 AM »
Now that you like the reaction.  You may consider using the Elixir to protect it.
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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 09:26:43 PM »
Doc, considering I haven't missed in league play with this ball after the coverstock tweaking, I think I'll take my chances.  However, if your product, of which I have a fair amount remaining, will ensure that tacky feeling without sacfificing overall hook, then it's a different story.  However, after several other balls with a treatment of the Elixir, a bit too much length might be created with a T/A.
House Hack.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  And, according to my therapist, that's not so bad.

If nothing is what the situation mandates, I'm the man for the job.


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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 10:07:09 AM »
Did you fill the sink and just let the ball soak for a while?  Did it effect the finger inserts (weakening the glue)?  I did the (let the balls soak in the sun) technique, but didn't know the best way to get the oil off that surfaced on the ball.  Tried just wiping off with a paper towel, but that didn't seem to work too well.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2006, 10:23:45 AM »
Wiping the ball with paper towel or a micro fiber cloth should be the best thing you can do when you let the ball "sweat" in plain air (under sun, or in car trunk). This will get as good as this... and can be a greasy thing.

However, the bucket's charm is that you ahve the warm water, and when you add some cleaning detergent (only a small splash is enough), you will have the warmth ooze out the lane conditioner and have the detergent crack it up immediately and mix it with the water. More efficient than wiping, IMHO, even when you put the ball in the oven (no recommended from me - temperature is hard to control and the ball usually gets heated only in parts).

After oil extraction, a good cleaning of the ball's surface is recommended in any way to get rid of oil and machine grease residues on the surface.

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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 11:59:11 AM »
John, this is a family forum, don't you think "bathing your balls" is a bit risque for this forum? LOL

I like using dawn dish liquid after the ball soaks for a few minutes and the oil begins to be released I use a grey scotch brite pad to clean the surface while the ball is submerged, this helps loosen any lingering oil balls. After "washing" or soaking I put the ball on the spinner to deep clean the surface or do a complete resurfacing. I have never had a problem with the waqter doing harm to inserts or effecting the ball in anyway, for the one's who have asked.

As for avoiding the attorney question, one has to be able to offer her something of equal value to avoid that phone call, and I'm not refering to tying a red ribbon around them either John. LOL

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Re: I've bathed my balls..and me likey!
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2006, 12:11:00 PM »
House Hack.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  And, according to my therapist, that's not so bad.