AFAIK, Rough Buff is a VERY coarse rubbing compound, and it is recommended to use with a 220 grit sanded base - righteously. It will mellow out the deep sanding lines, levelling the "hills and valleys" on the surface, also keeping the surface itself open. The result looks much like a 2.000-4.000 Abralon wet sanded ball, but the texture is different, and you will IMHO see a more even reaction. RB is also tricky to handle, because it is so abrasive. Beware!
The High Gloss polish is IMO a fine rubbing compound. It definitiely contains some grit, it also levels out sanding lines, but on a much finer level. Compared to RB it really adds length, but extender polishes have more to offer. Personally, I like it as an everyday polish on anything glossy - I use a 1.500 grit basis, and that combo has worked for me on a lot of balls from different manufacturers.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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