According to MoRich's web site: is the finish for the Awesome revs:
2) Rough Buff/Compound (Awesome Revs, Awesome Flip, Shock & Awe)
I'm fairly sure no polish will ever emulate the finish provided by Brunswick's Rough Buff. RB usually does not put any shine on the ball and all polishes do.
Most times RB is applied over a 220 grit sanding. Some Brunswick balls use a slightly finer sanding (320 - 400 grit). BrunsRico, a former Brunswick rep who posts here now under the JustRico userid, has said here that straight 2000 - 4000 grit Abralon pad can best emulate the RB finish. I'd try first 2000 grit Abralon, then, if needed, take it to 4000 grit Abralon.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."