I'm trying to get a maintenance schedule in place with my equipment. Aside from me reading through all the manufacturer recommendations, which I'll do, I want to hear what you do?
Rough Outline
-Wipe ball before every throw
-Clean after every set
-Touch with desired surface every 9-12 games
-Detox/Oil Extraction every 30-40 games
How do you if at all approach polished equipment differently than sanded?
For polished balls, I'd suggest
- keep a close eye on the track area. Once cleaned well, track marks require re-polishing. It could be 3 games or it could be 12 games. Re-polishing is quick and easy; so I wouldn't let any polished ball go more than 12 games.
- clean polished as you would dull, in every aspect. Use Clean and Dull at home as deep cleaner every 12 - 20 games.
Any dull ball I would refresh every 3 - 6 games. Any lane surface changes the given grit level after every bowling session. period. How much it changes depends on many factors.
How many seconds does it take to dampen an abrasive pad and go over the ball's surface by hand? 15 - 20 seconds for the whole operation? Maybe.
Is it worth it? That's up to you.
Re-do the entire surface from scratch (360 or 500 grit) every 35-50 games, more or less, for both polished and dull balls.